HOTEL HORRISON GHi © 4&.¢ 0 , ee a Convention Department Franklin 9600. Open letter frou Menaging Director, Leonard Hicks, Mr, Frank WW, Keaney, Ce ¥. . Rhode [Island 3tate college, 2 : ‘ Kingston, Rhode 7edend . “ee i . eo Liy dear Prank; | ’ se “ as “Gace. Prein ea ity! Pe dos ‘A. \ ee S¢b for the basketballs egached;; “the ‘MORR LI SON; HOTEL. a oer tainly ape preciate theif ‘thought an “giving Eto. ie. ‘and Zz have had jnany letters;telling m¢@-“that I. have done. good | work in the» ‘past. Now for tneifuture.and a few: “itehis tact you mignt publish. ‘in the: bulletin, aii ch, oe, 1 undies HEpatye ih 1 1 send” ont ‘shortly. | - The rétes ae: the :MORRISON ‘during. pets ‘edhvention Wi.l be as follows ; $5.00°f or: a singl@ room with: ‘Showér-and-tab acecomuc- af tion; $4.00, for & twin-bedded- room wi'th. shower ‘and tub accommodc:.t- on. The” prices” ‘ixt our coffee Shop for.breakfast range.from 25¢ to 60 for a elub breakfast, Luncheons in the coffee Shop may be secured. ranging ‘from 45: to 85; and dinners in the evening from 1,00 to 150, Te other words, Prank, you may state that « fellew Tiving couble wi th,another ouch; and | having ‘three’ neaig, in:our coffee Shop can do the ° ‘whole thitigifor: 4.00 4 ‘day of if He de’sirds to. eat a sittle mone it might be 4, ao a day, Please ask ee, oo ,to head SOY our coffee SHop as you ean't get finer food at‘a more reasonable — price oray place in’ Are Loop. i | the nee ting will be heid in the Cameo Room which is much lariger than thé; rocm you ged last. year. If you will remember we held ithe benque ti: ‘in: “the Cameo Room last spring. TO:.give you an’ cea igs the: “banquet, Wild, Be held, I at sending you under seperate cover picture: ‘of. the famous French casino, Tais is mo longer a right club. ‘and we rent. ifsicout only to conventions. of : ,course, there will be no: additional, est to. _your nenbership, except ; in the:price of food,:] am:itrying/ #6 ‘Grrive*at a price of ae .00 for: the banquet, which [ believe. under seirguns tances is very reas gape