WAR RELOCATION AUTHORITY In reply, please refer to: , | February 15; 1943 Dr. Forrest A. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I have been informed that the University of Kansas has been designated as an Army Training School. This gives me the impression that it will be necessary to increase your staff in order to handle the added load in your department of Health and Physical Education. I am anxious to get back on the college level in my profes- gion. Since the change in the national draft law, my status is draft exempt, and I am, therefore, eager tO secure a po- sition with more permanency. The accompanying sheet will en- large on my qualifications. I have had 18 years of successful experience in the general field of education, physical education, recreation and health work. My training includes a B.S. from the University of Illinois in 1924 and an M.A. from Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1940. I feel I am qualified by training, experience and personal aptitude,to do your department an adequate piece of work. My experience on the faculty at the Universityof Illinois has well equipped me to handle work on this level. I sincerely hope you will find sufficient time to consider this inquiry in detail. Desiring to hear from you shortly, I am Most sincerely, M. He. Sogiow, A Health and Phys Japanese Relocation Center Amache, Colorado