Oo Average: A check mark in this column indicates that the statement is true of the employee perhaps half the time and is not true half the time. For example, he completes his assignments promptly or turns them in late about:an equal number of times. Seldom: If the statement about the employee is usually not true, the check should be marked in this columa. For example, he completes his assignments promptly when it is convenient for him or when pressure is applied by the supervisor. He usually is behind the rest of the group. Never: This is another extreme column, like the "Always", Few employees should be marked in this column on any trait. A trait should be marked in the "Never column when the statement does not apply to the usual conduct of the employee. For example, he completes his assignments promptly only under the most unusual circumstances and it rarely ever happens. His negligence on this item retards the work of the department and injures his personal efficiency. In order to insure as unbiased and objective a reting as possible, try to get away from the thought of this person as a "good" employee or that one as a "bad" one, and to just consider the perticular trait being rated, Raters may find it easier to mark all of their employees on item No. 1, then all on item No. 2, then 3 and so on, ranking the group of employees being rated on each item in turn rather than completing all of the items for one employee at a time. The important thing to remember is that this rating, when completed, should not show whether or not you like the person you are rating. “The value of the rating diminishes in direct ratio with the amount of personal feeling which enters into it Try. to view each rating of each item in as detached and impersonal manner as possi tle, Wo one will deny that this is difficult or that at times, it may be impossible but that needn't keep you from trying. On the reverse side of the report form are a few questions to be answered and spaces for comments and signature. A rater's comments may be some mention of any employee's particular strong or weak trait or any other remarks he cares to make. If there have been any complaints about the employee or any recommendations of his work from the public or others, mention should be made here of these. When the blank is completed, sign your name and submit it to the chief of your division for review. If the individual being rated is responsible for the supervision of two other employees, he should also be rated on the supplementary rating blank for super- - visors, Employees who have been rated on Service Report Forms V or VII need not be rated on the supplementary blank. These forms are for administrative officers and teachers, whose duties include supervision, and items covering this phase of their duties have been included on the regular report form, Items on the super- vision blank should be checked in the same manner as those on the regular report form. On the reverse side of this blank are spaces for the names and class titles of those persons who are directly supervised by this employee. If the employee being rated is head of a division with several sub-divisions under his direction, then list only the names of the supervisors of the sub-division, who are directly responsible to him, not all of the employees in each wnit. This blank also should be signed, and firmly attached to the regular rating blank for this employee.