August 18, 1943. ly. V. B. Hofstetter, Sales Department, Atlas Athletic Equipment Co., 4439 Manchester Ave., St. Louks (10), Mo. . Dear My. Hofstetter: Thank you for your letter of August 5th replying to our inguiry about a bladder for the ee Pa Best that we have here. Tt notice in your Bulletin No. 15 you have listed a 6 ft. Canvas Shell Push Ball. I am wondering if this has @ rubber bladder, and if it is detachable. If se, perhaps we could insert one of these bladders in our leather ball. Or, it might be possible to put the entire canvas shell inaide the leather cover. I would appreciate it if you would quote prices on your Canvas Shell and Rubber Fabric Shell Push Balls, six feet in diameter, with bladder included. Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Biucation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.