& see but reconversions will shortly take place which will sekbie such a pureha se and such a saving. Se long ag we use this as a basketball fleer I de net see why it should be done over, nor do I see why it sheuld be used as a dance fleer. The State Banker's Association were the first to use it as a dance fleer because it was desirable te shew the bankers every courtesy, even more than we hsve shewn te anyone elsee And after that one time the students get im, and because we had no one to protect basketball our boys slipped, fell and suffered, because other interests encreachede ~ 3 We have not gene ferward in basketball om account of the cooper- ation, but rather in spite ef it. Certainly if Deam Swarthout had had the same discouragements as we have had he perhaps weuld appreciate our position. I assure you I tried te put nothing ever when permission was given _ to us te design the floor fer a basketball ceurt with celer schemes and decorations. Again, may I assure yeu that the initiative was net on our part- the ‘thing that caused se much discussion and feeling on the part of a great many people. Sincerely yours, Director ef Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coeache FCA cc = Dell. Swarthout ReCe Quigley C.Ge.Bayles