~ CONTRACT TERMS AND, CONDITIONS mete Jn poseeaston peoplerty berets, Gesemed aban be Tiithts ax st exinntion tu tor any whether prin of agent, shipping exptostves or dahzerons goods, without protfous full written disclosure ve Taeio's eecene as hereinafter wa to. ea : gah of Of thet nates shall be Pee for-and se or desir the carrivr DESIRE eat toe loss or damage caused by such Monts! and such may be warehoused Wwner's risk and expense or destroyed without compensation, ‘0 cartl party {h possession of all or any of the property herein deseribed shall be oe for any loss thereof or Semnge NS Bt Oat e <, a hues or deity eiused by the God, the public creer the authority of law. or the act or default of the shi pet or owner, . 7. The owner or conaaare shall pay the freight and Average, i if'any, and all other lawful charge: accruing on said property; for natural e. The carters 8. lability shall be thay of wareho ae only, for Joss, damage, or delay caused by fire oceurr ing bates iS meee jnstances et it may Jawfuily be authorized to Uo so, no carrie! - oy in shalt'G ever or relinquish possession after the expiration’ of the free time allowed By tariffs lawfully on fle uct free time io be compiited as therein provided) after noticeiot nat! the property. covered By this bij) of lading until all cies nea arges t) n have been paid. The consignor the arrival of.the property at des tloation: or At the port of’export (tf intended for export) his’ been duly sent or given, and after place- ore rb table for the freight an aa ait lawful charges, except that if the co: dara atieutares: ey signature, in the space provided for ment of the | cise of nels for delivery at Seon or tender of pellvery of the property to the party entitled to receive li, has been Fare) that’ bprece ® the face of this bill 0. Tale that the carrier shal! not make delivery withont ulring payment of suc) ip ey ‘any except in case gence of eg Teles Ce in possession (and the burden to prove freedom from such negligence shall be on the the «: shal eon ry to such stipulation, shall make delivery without requiring such payiti-ot, the cons (except as hereinaiter pro oe er Or ped and Fe ope In possession shall not ue Mable for loss, pans Wie, Or delay ovcurring while the property vidlea ae ae be lieble for such char rae lad ane that, where the carrler has been insu uched by a shipper or conalpnar to. doliver ia tae it nei pod ‘thet tequest ae ‘the shipper, owner, or party cntitled to make such request, or resulting trom a | sald consignee per ot consignor, such SOnSHATCe sie not, be I gaily lable for eae. riation ¢ el eeaay a mage to cotton, or rom riots or sizikes., in Fos aportation of said abe ‘Cbeyond those billed oat inst hint tthe ise of cae ior A pe feobners hich muy be es roperty has been delivered to him, {f} vandal cas isis Planting be discharged at risk and expense of owners Into cuarontine depot or elsewhere, a8 re- | /titte in said’ prapertyeanid th) Morion ua-dellvery at saldipedperty has aiotitled th ine regula rahou or TutHocitice: or for the carriet’s disp: at nearest available point in carrier's judgment. and inany | and absence ‘of isis ans title, and, in the case of a shipment Couonslen ned or or '8 responsibility nae, when pri ty is so Gucheraea, or property may be tan ord by carrierat owner's expense pill of lading, has ‘also notitied tie delivering earrier in writing of the name a said oneeen ae ee el earning freight th ways. Quarantine expenses of whatever patie or Rind on or in respect to property shall’ be in such cases the shipper or consignor, or, in the case of a shipment so reconsisned or diverted, the beneficial owner, stall be Hable for by if ownérs of the proper @iien thereon, The carrier shall et be liable 105 to38'< or damage eee by fumigation | such-additional tiueen If the consignee has given to the carrler erroncous information as Be who the beneficial oF raisin for et eins a ce Fede : orlt ugh done by | signee shall himself be liable for such additional charges. On shipmentsreconsigned or diverted b. y triers oFoe fm ployees, nor for detention, loss, or damage of an ind ee lo a J | enfor carrier in the reconsignment or diversion order with a notice of agency and the proper nanie a dre: the benefic! ner, and theteot. ‘No catrier shall be. Heoee past wt oer of negligence, for any mistake or ina y in the | where such shipments are refused or abandoned at ultimate destin ation, the sald-beneficlal owner shall be ‘liable for all legally Bopicanle ler, to ine laws or regulations. ‘The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any e chargesjin connection therewith. , E Cr his clean fo buewaer ten erroneous information as to who the benedclal may incur, or damages they ‘may be requisen to pay, by reason of the introduction of the property cov ered by this eon tads into any | owner 18, such reconsignof or dly érter shall himself be liable for all aie charges. lace against the quérantine laws or regulations in effect at such place. EF be is od aren Ifa shipper or consignor of a shipment of Bren (other a a repald ee 4g also the consignee named In ne bill of lading See, 2. (a) No carrier is bound by transport bald prop Rall hav articular train or vessel. or !n time for any particular market or | and, prior to the time of delivery, notities, in writing, a delivering carrier by railroad (a). to soe such property at destination to otherw ise. than. ‘yiah reasonable dispatch. Every shall have ie Ent In case of physical necessity to for vere said proneey by another party, (b) that such party is the teat owner of such property, aa a that deliver: le between the point of of pa) ment nae e point of destination. In all cases not prohibited oy where a lower pon payment of.all transportation charges in respect of the soe renar epee to ae property, ae vblie than uctuai value’has been represei in writi ue by the Saupe or has been aqrend upon in writing as the released value of Hot such party without such payment, such shipper or gone Ber shall not be liable nsignor, consignee, ROBEY. as determined by the tlagsineatlon or tariffs upon which rate is based, such lower value ze pile freight charges if paid shal! transportation charges but the party to whom delivery is so made shail in any As be Viable er transportation’ cuntres billed tose the taxtta lim Amount to be recovered, whether or net such loss Or damage occurs from negligen the property at the time of such delivery, and also ton any additional chargesewhich may be found to be due aft e, haat very of the Broperty, except that ifsuch party prior to such delivery has notified in writing the aelvering “earcler that he Is not the benelicial (b) As a condition precedent to reo aen ee must be filed. in wrfting with the oy & or delivering carrier, or carrier | owner of the property, and has given in writing to such deliv cute carrier the name and address of such but it owns: such party issuing this oui 61 lading, or carrier on whi loss, damage, aniary e pceley. occurred, wi nine months after delivery of the shall not be liable for aay additional charges which may be found to be due after Beligery: of ite pee Ne property (or, in of export traffic, within nine theists ‘after dell port of export) or, He ae ee rigliiee to make delivery, then | delivery is made has as elven | to the Sosrier ae Information es to the perenel owner, such party rine ; nbd a reasonable time for genre ery i ed ag: ie carrier only within two | such additional charges. I f the shipper o: or has give Bn $0. eee arriet erroneous tomaatioee Be hy ee done. ie day when notice In writing Is given by the carri the claimant tuat the ‘cattler as disallowedgthe claim | owner is, such shipper or consignor shall Thlinself L he liable for such. eae cha: rges, notwithstanding the Treat provisions of oF oF any Mateo or pat aris thereot specified in the notice. Where claims are not filed or ee are not instituted thereon in accordance with | this parapn an Irrespective of any provisions to the oneoeyn in the bil bill ota ati or in the contract of transportation me poo the foregolng provisions, no carrier hereunder shall be liable, and such claims wil! not be paid. shipment was made, The term “‘delivering carrier’ meuns the line-haul ca¢vzer making ultimate delivery. 4¢) Any carrler or. YY liable on account of loss of or damage to any of sald property shall have thé full benefit of any insurance hall mit the right of the carrier to require at time of shipment the Prepayment antee of that may ae a o as nr upon or on account of suid property, so far a3 vee shall not avoid the policies or contracts of insurance: teres earn eace ert tine cd that t the articles shipped are not those described ia ths. UREA ar ee Ane reight * oliasgen tntst must a such ¢ Frotinets Tha elmburse the claimant for the premium paid ther paid upon the articles actual sy Exee ips ete ot car ecg neetigenic, all property shall be sublect-t0 cates eee sinske atime P CEES. cothinon:earrter by water the foregoing provistons of this section ‘shall apply, except as may be Ine < 0) ve the alas In ngdaing Or ore alse aad ube wtebe hel ent e in ha! ing, and shall not,be he! ‘dev p ete rain 0 4 Sec. ae oe ae ba of lading fs Issued on the hoe a the shipper, or his agent. {n exchange or In abe pition. for another bill of ny ee cor eure ‘cut rw i in, an tee gk ore ee ee mes tee ne “tading, t pers ature t {0 the prior bill of lading as to the state: en of value or otherwise, or election of common law or bill of andl p! oe er ral of the same Kind ane Trade without respect to ownership (and prompt notice thereof shall be § lading abit, im or in BSS with such prior bill ef lading, shall be considered @ part of this biil of lading is fully as lf the same «4 ease the mi slgnor) d If so delivered shall be subject to a len for eecstor charges In addition to all other charges here under. were written or made in or in connection with this bill of lading, r See. 9. (a) Ifall or any part of sald propery is carried by water over any part of sald route, and pee damage or nluy a as once Sr Areilaa ine wreatee UM rune leans ih atic! On poe sear Lanta gi o r i 7 of Jading of the carrier by water: of lading being, suc’ water men ere be Kep! an sence) Bier wate ee Puan imate she ent he the eatin nae eee, to Raerioe ances under) and by and under the laws and regulations applicable to transportation by water. Such w: ae oar ie shall be ae. Ag arenousemnai, onl; at Dat then option of the cairier; may be removed to and stored -in a a public or licensed warehouse at the | to at! the terms and provisions of, and’all the exempuons from HMability eee in the Act of the Con; of the place ace of dé a ery oF other aval avaliab able piace, at the cost of the owner, and there held without lability on the part of the carrier; end Supe Bee oe aap teeta pL eanGE Tie raitenHing BE eal oar eaIe ell oa ha ta ieeisk etn phan crete utes OF ae EE EB HEANE ne lawtul chatges, Including @ reasonable charge for storage. conditions pyaeen ed In this bill of tading not inconsistent with this section, vhen this bill of lading becomes the bili of lading of the ») Where n pee propery which has been transported to destination hereunder $s refused by consignee or the party | carrier by water, _ consistent with Part IIL of the Interstate Commerce 5 (i) entitled to recelve | lees enuitied: to receive it fails to recelve it within 15 days after notice of arrival shall have fi 1 july sent ven, the carr (b) Raaioh carrier by Water shall be Hable for any loss or damage resulting from any fire happening Cr or on board the vesse’, or ree ler: Pro ee vided" : rier may sel ns S ul ave Kat aed sent or given to. nee ieonsiztor notice that the pe propert erty “has ‘best re 4 * from explosion, bursting of boilers or breakage of shuits, unless caused by the design or negivet of such carrier. * ‘at It will be subject to sale under the terms of the bill of lading sposition be 9 If the owner shall have exercloed aus diligence In making the vessel in all respects enw or thy and pro} erty manned, equi © Rot array nan eseription of the property, the name-of the party to whom consigned, | gnq co Solid ito aucireatbick shall Di Grsatiylinenlne Hitanee ronda toe tite perllaiol ciatevee donee oe aa or ite Dyed order ni are oo hotitled, and the time and place of sale, once a week for two successive weeks, | fitent defects in hull, machinery, or Nanpimetantes avhether jetisting prion tovet the time ol; or aioe salling, or tom « collision, strand. Ned in a ee a genera etreuintion at the place of sale a hearest place where such newspaper is published: (Provided, That 30 days ‘ing, or other accidents of navigation, or from prolongation of the voyage: And; when for any reason jt is necessary, any vessel earryin: = ee 9 ® publication of notice of sale after sald notice that the property Was refused or remains unclaimed was mailed, }- Bay or all of the Brouerty, nerebi Cescribed shallibe av liberty bo gait Meenyaidk: GF ports, In or out of the customary route, to tow sad Bent, or Cn be towed, to transfer, trans-ship, or cer to loxd aud Sischatne coe at any vate eae eae eee ‘easels a Pe ie ak to Bevis ice he . : carr ‘ons! (©), Where perishable property which has been transported hereunder to destination {s refused by conslenee or party entitled to cpove of saving ife-or property, and for dochine and repairs, ‘eaceDt in case of . serene neers pons bie LOGE nm revels It er sald consign or oarty eni nititled to. receive ie shall tail to rece ecelve it promptly, ithe carter may, fn, ita Sete, to prevent es or damage to property iit be necessary or is usual to carty the same upon deck. ation, si ae est advantage at Mn vate or public sale: Prov » That Sf time serves for shall be payable according to the York-Antwerp Rules of 1984, Sections 1 Ho Pek Inclusive, and Sections 17 not! eat on to the consignor or owner of the refusal of the property or the failure to receive it and request for disposition’ of the to Se aR Mey ote ate overs thereby according to the laws and ahaa of the Port of New York. If the pyneca aaal property, such notification shall be given, tn such amander as the exercise of due diligence requires, before the property is sold, have exercised due diligence to muke the vessel in all respects sea vias hy and p i fallen, or eqiut) ei. “yaa. supplied, it is hereb; ‘a2 , damage or disaster ayaa from a oo errors! a Dat tion, (a) Where the procedure provided for in the two paragraphs last preceding is not possible, It is agreed that nothing contained In pe Pn ea Eee eee { : Lisa ety Hee be es to gar ite pe right of the carrier at its option to sell the property under such circumstances and i fem any tent x other defeets In ie vorie (provided the latent. Brot other -celects oF | or the anseawarehiness was the Such manner as may be authorized by exercise of due dillgence). the a nippers, consign 8 and/or owners of the core shh Be De ou bie pay savage pas any A oat charges heé cargo, and shall contribute with the shipowner in general average to the payment of any saerificus, losses or B. proerd of any sale made wale this section shal! be applied by, the Rarer tothe payment of freight, demurrage, storage, incurred in Texpect oft mua and 2, ae Her law. ul enarges And the expense of notice, advertise: Rent, ‘sale , ahd other necessary expense anu of caring: fo er d fae o- ¢ Sinton pi ae A general average ree ee ere tae cece Peete pH) Dene) Ok nO retleve Ate! gaventure. {ross mete talainet the property, if proper care of the same requites special expeise, sad should there be a balance it shall be paid to the owner f, °° P of the property sold ‘hereunder, i (e) If the property is being carried under a taritt which provides that BnY et carrier or carriers party th thereto Ae be pee for tant *from perils ot the s then 28 to such carrier or carriers the provisions o! tion gi! ed in accordance wit! e y destined to or taken from a station, wharf, or landing at. prick eee e Le re; larly fonelted freight agent shall §\- { i into the conditions of this bill of iadin: waste naa ete of ia ans sdaieaen's from oars or vessels Of until loaded Iato. ¢ veseols, cept in case of carrier's J PeOvmons, which shail be regarded as Incorporauld In ie to such stations, wharves, or landin: rei ie mht owner's ae ert the Cars: are attaclied ())_ The term ‘water carriage’ in this section shall not be construed as Bee lighterage tn or across rivers, harbors, or laos: tive or train or until loaded into and after unloaded from vessels, when performed by or on behalf of rail carriers, See. et will carry Hable in any way for an oamens: be a or for any articles of extraordi; - 10. a Aer or er: ayte th eu of dgeins are ee made without the speq tion f the seat rated in the publidbed clussificaious or tarlis usless a special nareewont 60 and'@ stipulated value of the | agent oi ue carter ising thls thls bill of lading, Dill of Inding shall be enforomuile accordlny to ‘he are hereon. Original veuor GFFECTIVE JUNG 15, 1941