September 4, 1943. _ Mr. Raymond Nichols, Chancellor’s Office. Dear Ray: I am enclosing the intramzal basketball schedule for tne Vel2 students, beginning Monday, September 13, and going through the 2ist. We will avoid using Hogh Auditorium at 43:30 on Wednesdays after the beginning of the fall term, since this period has been reserved for Band rehearsal. Our schedules will be made up for two weeks at a time, and a copy sent to you so that you may keep your records clear. T have discussed with the Arny officers the intremural program for, the A-12 students, and since the boys have such a heavy schedule they are not ready to be- gin their intramuzals at this time. They, of course, got e much leter start then the V-12 students. . Very sincerely yours, Director of Physicoal Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. EnGe