ee zs mi mite Be. SES proces = Mr. Reymond Nichols, a ae Chancellor's Office. of Dear Ray: Confirming my telephone conversation with you this : morning, I just want to — & resume of our maintenance ‘ fund situetion. ‘ It was not my thought that the cost of the chlorin- Po 3 ator would be teken out of our maintenance fund. If it had rk 4 not been, we would have ended the fiseal year with an un- i. ah — encumbered balance of $211.98, instead of the overdraft. | rs i On the ledger sheet received from the Business a Re Offices just last week we find that $488.56 was paid from fo our maintenance fund in August to M. N. Penny. I presume a j this was paid on the Tennis Court Construction. This is pe | doubtless a mistake which has farter decreased our mainten- 1 Boe : ance balance. 4 1 I appreciate your cooperative spirit, and assure =) | you it is my desire always to keep within our budget. J SRN Very sincerely yours, _ ie ~ Director of Physical Education, br ; POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. f "