UNIVERSITY OF WICHITA WICHITA, KANSAS COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE DEAN April 26, 1944 Dr. Deane W. Malott, President University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear President Malott: The Committee on Recruiting Teachers of the Kansas State Teachers Association is very much interested in building up the enrollment of the teacher training work in the colleges of the state for next year. In our discussions the thought has been expressed that personal contacts with seniors in the high schools may do some good in inducing some seniors to enroll for teacher training in the colleges next fall. To this end the committee is addréssing this letter to all the college and university presidents in the state, suggesting that as faculty members from the various colleges go out to give commencement addresses during the month of May, that they have a meeting with the senior class of the high school and explain the need for teachers, and the increase in salaries now available, and urge those in the upper ten per cent of the graduating class to enroll in colleges this summer or fall for teacher:training. We feel that this is a service to the profession which we should render and also it will be increasing the enrollment of the several colleges of the state. Will you take the necessary steps to bring this to the attention of those members of your faculty who will be giving commencement addresses this spring? Sincerely yours . Af Sipple, Chaiyfnan Committee on Recruiting and | Training Teachers, K.S.T.4, lbs 8