THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Office of THE CHANCELIOR March 27, 1944 TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS: I am sending the cony for your denartment from the current issue of the bulletin on Descrintion of Courses for your correction and revision. Since this bulletin was not nublished last year a large number of changes may need to be made in your Copy. The following suggestions are made concerning preparation of revised Cony: 1. Condonse and shorten course descrintions as much as possible. Please bear in mind that such changes may need approvil of the Dean or the Administrative Committec. 2. iIn case of courses not to be offered for the duration of the war, eliminate description and leave only Course number, title, credit hours and possibly the name of the instructor, 3. At end of University courses give coursos offered for war training programs, listine Army and Navy courses sep rately. Give course numbor, title, credit hours, brief descrintion, and name of instructor. Description might be limited to statoment that the course Covers essentially samo ground as course (give number and title of University course), 4, If vossible, shorten statements of major requirements and suggested curricula. Please send your rovised cony to the Chancellorts Office at your early convenicnco, by April 10 if at all possible, ‘Sincerely yours, RAYMOND NICHOLS PNi gs E.cccutive Secratary