tr. Raymond Bichols - ‘Bxecutive Secretary of the University Chancellor’s Office Campus Dear Raymond, 3 ; I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 27th ultimo a ein oe ee auditorium. tn thts curly wascn I ean cee. the windon of waving money on the excessive shifting of seats and coals in one days I wrote Chancellor Malott in regurd te the letter that I received from Miss Hosford emphatically disagreeing with any other or=- — iiy have the auditeriua for basketball practise. It's no more Gis: “for them to take our days then it is for us to take sone of theilftds it's important for one group to practise it's equally important for the other group to have the dates that Say"re supposed to have. — Why should Hiss Hosford send a list of events scheduled on our dates? Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball end Baseball Conch