November 1, 1941 Chancellor Doane We Malott Prank Strong Hall Campus Dear Chancellor Melott, I was perfectly aware of the fact that it would be impossible to ' @eharge any additional fees for the wtivity ticket. But I was not quite clear as to why there could not be a re-evaluation of the tioket distribution «= a cut of 5¢ here and there and the addition of @ small amount to recreation and intramurals. This addition would give the students something that they're not getting and something that they need badly. A check on the gate attendance Of @jgsc of the activities that they are now paying for would doubtiosal ieveal a small interest in the particular activities. Since the gute is umable to make any contri- bution toward recreation fixtures here, it does not seem that even a small sum would be unwelcome in halting deterrioration in the equipment of the physical education department. At the rate they're @eterricorating, we will have no hendball courts or tennis backstops that will hold together much longer. Even treating it in a pelliae tive way is better than ignoring it entirely. : Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE GFFICE OF Cctober ei, 1941 THE CHANCELLOR Dr. #. OG. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Campus Dear Phog: Your letter of October llth suggesting an activity fee charge is probably perfectly sound. I am under constant pressure from nearly everyone, from the Kansan up and down, to expand the activity ticket to get other activities under the umbrella. Just now, the situation is pretty tight, and, as you know, I have no power to increase the fees, and the Regents look with reluctance upon increases. As we work out our athletic problem there should be, however, more funds available for diversion from organized athletics to intramurals and I shall keep this suggestion in mind. Thank you for calling it to my attention. Sincerely yours, HR or ta Deane W. Malott Chancellor THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR . October 24, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Campus Dear Phog: Thank you for sending a reprint from The Research Quarterly for October of your article, written in collaboration with Professor Elbel, "Evaluating ‘tkam and Individual Per- formance", I was interested in reading the results of your study. Sincerely yours, r A. i —~ Deane W. Malott Chancellor deeuihias Deane W,» Malott, “University of Kensase feqr Chancellor Malotts — 4 am making a progress report on our meeting with Mrs Fim Jensen and ire Sam Anderson regarding the program for : skiing on the hill this next winters We had a fine moting this morning and you can count on e fulsome program for each — cay tint the snow fiicse iss chine wi & gunmen 40 evies Snes on the intwammwel fields ‘ie expect to string poles end lights 7 ar Tae weeee Sh feermete this will be done if and a i de ie on the sishinn ot in Gels Gs Foun: _ Iet and are planning to install posts and netting there. The incessant rain has made the grading problem a very difficult Regarding the lawn bowls, I an working with ean Jakosky if we can not have the Engineering School run sane 7 on the quadrangle without much cost to us, I am speake ee When we get these run we will then be ready for another conference with NGF er EET nob be be asking for moneys Very sincerely yours, & tirecter of Physical Raveation and hontin Mivetey CeEnET sad Saeeenel See ; October 15, 1941 Chancellor Deane W. Malott Prank Strong Hall Campus Dear Chancellor Malott, I will inmediately have a meeting with Mr. Finn Jensen and Mr. Sem Anderson with the view to working out a practical program for skiing this next winter. I believe I have an idea which will facilitate matters regarding the recreative problem, I will work on it and see how it terminates. Very sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE THE GRAMCELLCR October 14, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Campus Dear Phog: I assume you will ge ahead then with appointing Finn Jensen for the skiing. Sam Anderson, instructor in German, is another expert skier who has had con- siderable skiing experience in Austria, and possibly he would like to help. The question of a director of fecreation seems to me to be pretty much of an administrative problem on which the Senate really couldn't go much further than to make a suggestion. It comes down, really, I suppose, to a question of organization and of finances. I don't think you need ever to feel that you mist await Senate action for a thing like this, but I don't quite see at the moment how we would work it out. Any time you have any suggestions, however, let me know. Sincerely yours, (3A Deane W. Malott Chancellor October 8, 1941. Chancellor Deane W. Halott, University of Kansas. Dear Chancellor Malott: I am delighted that you are interested in ski- ing as a recreative sport. And the fact that Finn B. Jensen is available is a ten-strike as far as we are con~- cerned. I would be very happy te contact Mr. Jensen and work on this project for the coming winter if you so desire. The Senate Athletic Committee recommended to the Senate that a director of recreation be appointed to handle the recreation for the students of the University. Mr. Pesey then made a motion that it be referred back to some committee for reconsideration. I have never heard what action was taken, but if we had someone in authority to do this as proposedrby this Senate resolution then it would be an re matter. Seas Gatensts eee ince as tei eee: authority from the Senate, but ef course I em always happy to gespond to some epesifia request which is de- sired by you. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR October 8, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Campus Dear Phog: I am interested in getting some enthusiasm for skiing as a winter sport here, and find that Finn B. Jensen, who was born in Iceland and raised in Norway, is a fairly accomplished skier and would be glad to under- take coaching of this work-~of course, without compensation-—in connection with his duties as a teacher in the Business School. I talked with the members of the Athletic Board about it but they thought it was in the province of physical education as it was not an intercollegiate sport. What would you think of having Mr. Jenson serve as ski coach to help amateur skiers this winter? As I say, there is no cuestion of compensation, and no auestion of formal courses or credits. Sincerely yours, [Sia Prat Deane W. Malott Chancellor Octeber 15, 1941 Mr. Pimn Jensen Mr. Sam Anderson Dear Fellow Faculty Members, I heve had conversation with Chancellor Malott regarding the possibility of working out a skiing or for the campus sports enthusiasts this winter. | I would like very much to meet you two gentlemen in a cone ference some time at your convenience to discuss this matter and get your help and your participation. Will you kindly ring my office-KU 85 at your convenience and Miss Polly Gowans, my secretary will end eavor to arrange a suitable time for me to meet with you. ~The — will take but a short time. . ne With all good wishes I am Siriosrely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg . Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach October 23, 1941 Mr. Raymond Nichols | Chancellor's Office Prank Strong Hall Campus ee Dear Ray, This morning at &:30 Prof. F. A. Russell asked me to speak to . the freshman engincers at their engineering assembly. I drove over to the engineering building end perked. At 9:30 I got in my car to drive to my parking space behind the gymnesium. This does not worry me any, but I should think that there should . be some designation of tags for faculty members so when they drive to different parts of the campus for appointments this annoying situation should not obtain. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation . Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Office of The Chancellor October 6, 1941 TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS; The copy for your department from the current issue of Section II of the Catalogue is attached. Will you kindly make the necess~ ary changes and corrections in the copy and return it to the Chancellor's Office? In order that publication of the new catalogue may not be delayed, the copy should be returned not later than November 1, An earlier return will greatly facilitate prepar~ ation of the final copy for the printer, Sincerely yours, RAYMOND NICHOLS, Executive Secretary UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION é October 6 1941 >. = . . S oS. Ve PS Chancellor Deane W. Malctt, ‘ 7 University of Kansas. 3 Dear Chancellor Malott: " I do not want to pain you with this exhaustive letter which I have written to Lt. Col. W. H. Browne. Browne was the varsity basketball coach at Nebraska until he was called with the Nebraska National Guard. He was also the assistant athletic director at the University of Nebraska and end coach of the varsity football team. There are some pertinent facts in the letter thet I thought you might be interested in. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edyéation and Recreation FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Baseball Coach. Encl. Chancellor Deane W. Malett, University of Kansas. Dear Chancellor Valott: I do not want to pain you with this exhaustive letter which I have written to Lt. Col. ¥. H. Browne. Browne was the varsity basketball coach at Nebraska until he was called with the Nebraska National Guards He was also the assistant athletic director at the University of Nebraska and end coach of the varsity football team. 7 fhere are some pertinent facts in the letter that I thought you might be interested in. Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Chancellor Deane W. Malott, University of Kansas. — Dear Chancellor Malott: I have just returned from having a talk with Mr. and Mrs. George 0. Foster at their home. They desire to give this lot to the University, located at the southeast corner of Tenth and Maine. The dimensions are 63 by 133 feet. I told Mr. Foster that you are leaving town and would not return until next Tuesday morning. I felt. that he would be happy to have a short chat with you, so Mr. Foster will call your office and make arrangements sometime after Tuesday morning for a short visit. I told him that the Department of Physical Education would build tennis courts on this lot this fall. I believe that we have funds in our department to accomplish - this act. Sn seinitaidinis ata ix elk aig ih will entail for the abstract and deed. It will not be much money but it seems hardly right te ask the donor to pay for this. This was discussed slightly in our conversation. I @m wondering if the University has some small fund to handle this transfer. Very sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. | Chanesllor Deane We tnlott, University of Kansage Dear Chancellor Mhlotte seit g sumer necting on may 27th of the eub-ocest tte on ea ee = ™ : i bh gigs i ba a ja ay, volley Zeit at i i i al ere i bi " a'00 ¢ . Brank Strong Ball t Dear Chancellor Malott, -¥ @m answering your letter of Sept. 15 regarding the leakage in _ the swimming pool. On August 14 and 29 I wrete to Hr. Bayles calling his attention to the dangerous condition of the pipes : and railing in the pool. On Sept. 6 I received a letter from | vr Mr. Bayles making note of my letter and stating that “Since the | | Extension Division suddenly scheduled a convention right in the middle of our short repair period between August § and Sept. 10 we found that we did not have time to perform a major operation on these pipe lines. ‘Therefore wo decided to paint them up and wait until some future vacetion time when we would have sufficient time to do the work.” Regarding the leakage, I believe that this hes been going on for @ period of several years. Plumbers from time to time have said it was impossible for them to stop the leak unless they tore out tho wall and went back in under the excavation. We asked for relief of.a very bad situation here for a number of years but it Soems as if the University never has any money. Frankly, Chan- eeller, I do not know what to do. Of course I an referring this to Mr. Bayles, but he has no funds I don't know what we can do er it. I am sure thet Mr. Bayles has spent all the funds that he can on this old bullding that was built in 1906 for 1200 studente. I an sorry that Mr. Bayles was not with you when you made the ine. spection because doubtless he could give you the history of our implerations for relief. I told Mr, Bayles that Mr. Eberhart, the plumber and Mr. Brown, the painter, had called my attention to the pipes that were rusted so badly that they presented a hazard to the students if they should break. Moles have rusted clear ‘through the pipes, but these have not been repaired. I assure you of my hearty desire to cooperate and I am only sorry that my oe oe Rrerne 16 On Sinise 5 Gee Some Pee Very sincerely yours, ( Director of Physical Education and Recreation o Fowles 2 Z . Varsity Buakethalt Coach THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR September 13, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Campus Dear Phog: In the course of an inspection of the buildings yesterday to be sure they were in the best possible shape for the opening of school I took a look at your swimming pool and was rather distressed to learn from the janitor that it is leaking at the rate of five thousand gallons a day. This is a wasteful expenditure of water that seems to me serious. I would appreciate it if you would investigate the possible causes and cures and let me know sometime what the problem is. Sincerely yours, KY Gr, Pb” Deane W. Malott Chancellor Sept. 16, 1942 Dear Chancellor Malott, Over a month ago I asked Mr. Davidson about the handball courte. He said thet they were painted and were in shipeshape. He is rather deaf and perhaps he answered me regarding the tennis re~ bound practise wall which he painted and marked. This is adjacent to the handball court. When he does not have his ear phone I find it difficult for him to understand what I say to hime This is undoubtedly how the trouble occurred. I promise you my immediate attention to this matter. I am sorry about the misunder- standings Sinccrely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg oo Varsity Basketball Coach Migs Alice Hosford Secretary to the Chancellor Frank Strong Hall Campus Dear Miss Hosford, I am enclosing a list of Doctor Allen's speaking engagements for the school year 1940-'41. | I hope this list will give you the information you desire. Sincerely PG/g ‘Secretary te Doctor Allen encl. October 10, 1941. ir. Raymond Nichols, 7 Chancellor's Office. - Dear ir. Nichols: This will acknowledze receipt of your letter f the 8th instant advising me of the transfer of funds a Serene Seidnee Ne tenepeies pogrels Ee the Department of Physical Education. Mr. Carl Jessup, whom we appointed for the year & salary of $200.00 has resigned his appointment in to take over the classes at Lawrence Junior High 1. However, he will continue to handle one tennis s three hours a week, Sr hour on the irregular peyro ll. Will you kindly have ‘iss Nilense pandiuing $u:tie $000.00 twemsPeesel te. the irregular payroll fund? We are using Clifford Nordstrum to teach the classes Mr. Jessup has been handling, but we shall pay him on the irregular payroll. This change is necessitated by the leave of absence granted to Mr. Maurice. Cannady, of the Lawrence Junior High Scheol Staff, who is called by the draft. i He Yery sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education md Seurenkion, FCA:AH Varsity 4asketball and Baseball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR October 8, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen 105 R. Dear Dr. Allen: I am glad to ask the Business Office to transfer to your assistance fund the $1050 balance in the allowance for instructor (item 7 in your budget), and the $300 allowance for assistant instructor (item 9 in your budget). Earlier in the year I authorized the transfer of the stenographic salary for the month of August. Sincerely yours, FasgnetM bala Executive Secretary Chancellor Deane W. Malott, University of Kansas. Dear Chancellor Malott: _ Im the Missouri game ow boys slipped and fell all over the ance a bone am ee iy aes addin tom eonenlann. I called Reymond Nichols and asked that no dances be held in the Auditorium until after the basketball season. The floor is to be refinished between semesters, and we hope that students SS ee ees oe ee our game with Kansas State on March 6th. Iwill appreciate greatly this sooperation. Director of Physical Fducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. tides sqntde 3 sarth W3ia3 be THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF : August 28, 1941 THE CHANCELLOR Dr... C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Camous Dear Dr. Allen: Just thought you might like to know that some of the dates you requested for use of Hoch Auditorium have already been reserved for other all-university activities. The following events have beennscheduled on dates you hoped to use the Auditorium. Oct. 30 - Lecture course / Q =yNove 13 K. U. Orchestra— “Nove 17 Concert Course ENec. 4 Kk. U, Orchestra--Concert weieeseer] - Dec. 8 Lecture Course Dec. 15 Band-~ Concert rehearsal Jan. 19 Concert Course - Pphilharmonic Febe 23 Combined Glee Ciubs Concert Feb. 26 Dramatic Club — tentative You will find these listed in the K book when it is issued but we thought you might like to have the information now. Sincerely yours, Ce. Herp hk — Office of the Chancellor Sept. 11, 1941 Chancellor Deane W. Malott Frank Strong Hell Cempus Dear Chancellor Malott, I am sending you a letter signed by Miss Yosford which has to do with dates that conflict with our basketball practise in the auditerium. I dislike to bother you with these details, but it seems to me it is necessary under the circumstances. When Senator Snyder of the Ways and Means Committee asked the legislature for an auditorivm the measure wes defeated. Then, two years later, Senator Snyder again asked the legislature for an appropriation for a basketball court and an auditorium, and the — appropriation was made. Since the auditorium has been built we. have practised on Monday, Thursdey, and Friday eat 3:30. On Saturday there are no afternoon music classes and we practise at 5 o'clock. The School of Fine Arts has retained Tuesday an@ Wednesday for their work in the auditorium in orchestra, glee club, and organ. It seems only fair that basketball should have two months of the year-January and FPebruary-wherein the boys can become accustomed to the courte Concert and lecture courses, when scheduled, rightfully prevent our practises, but other activities such as ours, should not encroach upon other domains. Things have now taken guch @ turn that I respect- fully ask you, as I have asked Chancellor Lindley heretofore, te permit us to return to the gymnasium for our basketball games for this yeer and in the futurée Kenses State plays their regularly scheduled ganes in their gymmesium and Towa State doce likewise. We have nearly as many seats in our gymmasium as we have good seats in the audétorium. By using the gymnasium we would be practising on & floor and using the same back~ ground for shooting practise thet our opponents are using. Here is our predicament. We ere forced to play our home schedule on a semi- foreign court, while we use the gymmasium for practise. I am sure that you can appreciate the great handic thet we face. If you have done any trapshooting, or played any game where the background plays such @ tremendous part, then you cen appreciate the situation. In addition to that, the floor resiliency is different, the baskets are constructed differently, and the whole set-up makes a very ¢m~ : phatic margin between winning ané losing. And since this is ea com- petitive game and since we are held accountable, whether we win or lose, then I believe we have a definite point. There is no use attempting to play in the auditorium if we cannot practise there. All the other Big Six teams have a place unmolested for their practise, and they play on the same court and in their fieldhouses and gymnasia that they practise upon. It certainly is not a square deal to our athletes who are forced to face this situation. I know what other persons say - "You can win, You always heave done it” « but that is the most illogical statement that anyone would have nerve enough to makes Since basketball is the only sport that has been winning eat the University of Kansas for a number of years, it seems logical and thinkable to me that we shoud endeavor to keep it above the low level to which it is destined'to sink if we are forced further to give up these dates. Dates that are constantly thrust upon us without cone sultation or right of clergy are decidedly detrimental to use I have a distinct recollection three years ago of calling Dean Swarthout, who happened to be in Chancellor Lindley's office at the time. I asked him if I might use the auditorium that afternoon for practise for the Missouri game which was to be played the following night. Dean Swarthout seid that he was very sorry, tut that it was a very important rehearsal and we could not vse it. And we did not do so. I do not feel that this same courtesy has been extended to use fhe individual who made these dates and caused them to be put in the K Book without consulting us must have torn a page from Mein Kanpt I have just gone through one experience this past week where lack of orgenizetion and correspondence created a very embarrassing situation. Things were done without our knowledge and very definitely to the detrinent of better relations in our own department, ; ‘I am coming to you as Chancellor of the University to appeal to your sense of fairness. The football ‘team has a place to practise without molestation. ‘They have their dressing quarters and their practise periods without interruption. This ig true of every sport in the University with the exception of the basketball teame During the period between semesters for ten days our gymnasium is pre-empted for enrollment, both the first floor and the second floor. fables are put up end they are kept up until after re-enrollment at the end of the week. We are then forced to practise in the auditorium and this is practically in the middle of our game season when we are supposed to be at a competitive pitch in meeting opponents. Neither the gymnasium nor the auditorium is oure except when it fits the whim or convenience of prima donnas who can only sing in an environment where a background is necessary. But appsrentiy no one seems to think this necessity of practise in an environment for background applies to athletes. Very Cordially yours : | Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach