October 10, 1941. ir. Raymond Nichols, 7 Chancellor's Office. - Dear ir. Nichols: This will acknowledze receipt of your letter f the 8th instant advising me of the transfer of funds a Serene Seidnee Ne tenepeies pogrels Ee the Department of Physical Education. Mr. Carl Jessup, whom we appointed for the year & salary of $200.00 has resigned his appointment in to take over the classes at Lawrence Junior High 1. However, he will continue to handle one tennis s three hours a week, Sr hour on the irregular peyro ll. Will you kindly have ‘iss Nilense pandiuing $u:tie $000.00 twemsPeesel te. the irregular payroll fund? We are using Clifford Nordstrum to teach the classes Mr. Jessup has been handling, but we shall pay him on the irregular payroll. This change is necessitated by the leave of absence granted to Mr. Maurice. Cannady, of the Lawrence Junior High Scheol Staff, who is called by the draft. i He Yery sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education md Seurenkion, FCA:AH Varsity 4asketball and Baseball Coach.