THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF : August 28, 1941 THE CHANCELLOR Dr... C. Allen 105 Robinson Gym Camous Dear Dr. Allen: Just thought you might like to know that some of the dates you requested for use of Hoch Auditorium have already been reserved for other all-university activities. The following events have beennscheduled on dates you hoped to use the Auditorium. Oct. 30 - Lecture course / Q =yNove 13 K. U. Orchestra— “Nove 17 Concert Course ENec. 4 Kk. U, Orchestra--Concert weieeseer] - Dec. 8 Lecture Course Dec. 15 Band-~ Concert rehearsal Jan. 19 Concert Course - Pphilharmonic Febe 23 Combined Glee Ciubs Concert Feb. 26 Dramatic Club — tentative You will find these listed in the K book when it is issued but we thought you might like to have the information now. Sincerely yours, Ce. Herp hk — Office of the Chancellor