hmeas ED. C. STEFFEN, PRESIDENT BRUNO J. TEACH. GENERAL MANAGER HOME OFFICE 4439 MANCHESTER AVENUE $T. LOUIS, MO. July 15, 1943. Mr.Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase = Dear Mr. Allen: In response to your request in your letter of July 13th, we are enclosing our bid sheet, filled out with the quotations on our mat rebuilding service. If you will note on our Proposal C-5122, the 1 Gymasium Mat 4t x 10! is qudted at a price of $8.00, while the 3- 4% x 5% mats are quoted at $9.80 each. In-as-much as our cost for this service including freight to and fromlawrence is 497 per sq. ft. - the 4" x 5' mats are correctly quoted but the 4' x 10! mat, should have been $19.60, instead of $8.00, which was quoted as a re- sult of a clerical error. However, in-as-much as we quoted you on this basis, we are willing to rebuild this one mat at the price originally quoted. However, the additional mts are figured on the basis of 49ยข per square foot and on the enclosed requisition we have adjusted the price on the 4 x 10! mat to this correct pasis/ We leave the matter of the price to be paid on this 4 x 10' mat to your discretion. We thank you very much for this opportunity to quote you and look forward to serving you in the very near future. Yours very truly, Ve Ee AS a Sales Dept. VEH-jwh * * THE TRAINING OF MEN BEGINS IN THE GYMNASIUM * *