Irmpm 10—Give the name and title of your immediate superior, the person to whom you look for orders, advice or decisions. If you are not sure who your superior is, or if there is more than one, give explanation so that those reading your statement will know whether you work for one person part of the time and an- other the rest of the time, or whether you work for two or three persons. Irpm 11—List here any equipment, machinery, tools, office appliances, or other devices used or operated in connection with your work. Irzem 12—Exactly what instructions and directions does your superior give you? What problems does he refer to you? You may have had instructions only when you were new on the job. You may get special instructions with every new task. Describe the type of instructions you get. Itmpm 13—This question applies chiefly to employees whose duties and responsibilities are not clearly defined by regulations, well-established office procedures, or standard practices of a trade or craft. In answering it, summarize concisely what you consider to be the essential nature and degree of your responsibilities. It may be responsibility for doing what you are told to do in a workman-like manner, for doing journeyman work on assignment, for some highly skilled operations, for some type of technical or professional work or judgment, for all operations of a particular office, or for interpreting departmental policy. Are your responsibilities limited to carrying out instructions or are they for planning work, for final decisions, for supervision, or for technical or professional work or judgment? It—EM 14—Does anyone check or review your work? If so, give his name and title, and tell what kind of check is made: Is it a mathematical check, an in- spection of quality, a review of your judgment, or what? Maybe your work is such that there is an automatic continuous check of your actions. If so, tell about it. Irem 15—If you have only a few persons under you, give their names. If you have a larger group, give an answer such as “all employees in the 6th District Shops: 1 foreman, 8 mechanics, 6 helpers, 4 laborers, and 2 members of the office force.” If you have a major division or department give the name of the unit and the total number of employees. PART II—INSTRUCTIONS TO THE IMMEDIATE SUPERIOR Method for Distributing and Reviewing the Classification Questionnaires. You will be supplied with a complete set of classification questionnaires for each employee under your supervision. These sets will consist of a green, a white, and a yellow questionnaire, and a copy of these instructions. Give each employee a set of classification questionnaires and instructions, Ask employees who have access to ener te work out their answers on the yellow sheet, type them on_the .green..and-white-sheets,and-neturn- the signed typewritten “copies to you ‘within five days.” F Ask those employees who cannot type their own, to write their answers on the yellow sheet and return the complete set to you within five days, for typing. The Green is the Original and the White the Carbon Copy. When typed, return all three copies to the employees. Have the typewritten copies reviewed, dated, signed, and returned to you. Go over each employee questionnaire carefully to see that they are accurate and complete. Then fill out Items 17 to 20, inclusive. The immediate supervisor, foreman, or boss should fill out Items 17 to 20, on the questionnaire forms of only those employees whom he directly supervises. A department head should not fill in these items for employees whom he directs through a sub-executive but.only for those to whom he assigns work directly. In all instances, the department head, or a representative designated by him, should look over both the employees’ and their superiors’ statements and indicate under Item 20 any inaccuracies found. Neither the superior nor the department head, however, should make any alteration or change in the statements made by a subordinate. If there is a regular position under you which is temporarily vacant, or if an employee is not available to fill out the questionnaire, please supply a form for that position, made out as accurately as possible. The fact that an employee did not fill out the form and the reason should be clearly indicated. If the employee returns, he should fill out and submit his own questionnaire. Suggestions for Filling Out Items 17 to 20. Irpm 16—Do not change the employee’s statement or influence his answers. Read them through and then give your opinion of their accuracy and complete- ness. Is it a good description of the position? Has he neglected to give a full picture of his duties and responsibilities? Has he overstated or understated them? Has he put emphasis on the wrong points? Either comment generally on his statements or refer to specific items. IrzEm 17—Sum up what you consider to be the distinguishing points of the employee’s job. What do you expect of it? What supervision and direction does it get? What check and review is provided? What is the essential nature of the duties and responsibilities? Is it a beginning or an advanced job? The following are examples of the types of statements which will be helpful: ‘Requires sound judgment and accuracy, but is subject to considerable supervi- sion and decisions by a superior on questions of engineering policy.’”? ‘‘A routine stenographic job but courtesy, tact and discretion toward officials and the public are essential. Not a beginner’s job.” ‘This is a beginning job requiring alertness and willingness to learn.” “‘‘A section chief and key man. Must know all about the unit and its procedure besides being well grounded in accounting theory and practice. I review results pay: ” “A key position in my unit. I tell what results I want and he formulates the work program and assigns the subordinates. It is = to him to get the job done.” ‘‘Strictly a helper’s job, but requires at least a year of experience around electrical work to know tools, materials, and work processes.” ‘A journeyman job. Also requires familiarity with our system.” ‘‘I lay out the work in detail for this position every time there is any change in the work. I keep in close touch with the work in process and check it carefully when completed.” “This position needs little supervision while in process but all work is thoroughly checked by Mr. Black upon completion.” ‘‘This is a repetitive operation and re- quires little attention after it has been learned.” If you have a number of positions under you which are practically identical, it will be sufficient to answer Items 18 to 20 fully for one such position only, and then refer to such answers on the other questionnaires. You can merely state “Same as John Doe.” Item 18—With full consideration of the duties and responsibilities of this position, tell what kind of person you would choose for the position if it were to become vacant. What must he know?. Of what basic subjects, procedures, principles, anes or regulations must. he have a knowledge? Must the knowledge be thor- ough or is a general knowledge or familiarity sufficient? What abilities or skills must a successful employee possess? How much formal education is necessary? What course or subjects are required? Which are helpful but not essential? Is previous experience necessary? If so, how much previous experience, and in what type of work? What degree of physical strength, agility, or endurance is necessary? For what purpose is it used, e.g., for walking, lifting, etc.? Please be as specific and complete as you can in answering these questions. Irmem 19—If the job involves any typing or stenography, even if merely incidental, answer this item. If not, write “None.” Irpm 20—If the department head does not sign the green copy personally, his designated representative should sign his superior’s name and place his own name or initial immediately underneath. Method for Returning the Classification Questionnaires. The green copy bearing the signature of the superior and department head should be returned to Classification Staff, State Civil Service Department, 801 Har- rison, Topeka, within two weeks after original distribution. If this is found impossible, communicate immediately with this address. The white copies of the questionnaires should be retained for departmental files. Pace 4 19-2250-s s€G@nsB> 1-42 -vM i a a a a i a tt