12. 13. 14. 15. . List any equipment operated or used by you in doing your work ____ Typewriter, mimeograph Describe fully in what detail your assignments are made to you, stating what form (such as—penciled lay-out, roughdraft, etc.) your work is in when it comes to you, what decisions have already been made for you, what decisions are left to you_Usually verbal_instruc- ——tions_in_daily work; routine work is explained oes = at the time one is_new on the job . Summarize your work as you understand it_____ General secretarial duties. Who checks or reviews your work?__-~ Drs ie te How is the review made?. 7 ii — . Give the names and titles of employees under your Supervision. If you. supervise : an entire unit, simply give the name of such unit and the number of employees supervised RO OY tm two students, perhaps ‘two hours a day, to do routine ! ees etc; “these students change ‘each semester. I certify that I have read the instructions, that the uns made above are my own and to the best of my knowledge are accurate and com- plete. : en ent Date. i. ONG 8 PEGeuS SSSTePence TU Wed = Peers (ToL FS jo. GTeL IS , . Haar Teaver ne reteirwea©nr whor@a- Trenert ~ meow ~-(Employee) 16. we 18. 19. 20. - Are the above Bfatements. of the i ot accurate and sotiplete? er any inaccuracies or f BOmnn rete items) Date. Signed _-- PART IE, TQ BE FILLED IN BY THE IMMEDIATE SUPERIOR — Cire eects avai ini eniaiininiraia mG Yes 4 BIL TI ic" Lenore ToL - 1 pe pn e-paper an siicecityet ah ee ep Pane poe gage rng yah < re? oo ort eotie che. TTT t Ayer * Give your a ee of the essential nabure of the work, a of the: peaivetaak the supervision, and attention it peatlirers 2G —___ tion. "€ 18 _of aiae intelligence, tact and efficiency. She must . : , + io: he: rte _ rather than the ee ceiees of ter agieda ies now ‘occupies its ¢ t erevos. #5 * c xe d * 2 ~ A. Education and Special Training: Years.and- kind__Business. ‘ptining® . nee ; 2 _s ars of office experience. necessary _ ao C.. Licenses or. certificates. required_- ‘eas ae = 4 : : Lie seep AS * es ee aan sie —_ D. What knowledges, abilities, skill, lad elecieal aetna should incumbent: pean expert stenographer, “have ability-to meet people p ret a be able to __handle responsibility of office. Good health, of course, is necessary. _ If the position requires any typing or stenography (taking and transcribing dictation) fill out the following: B. Experience; | Years and kind_— ae a Incidental or Important % of Time Spent by Employee Standard — cota ee BEY Important — 80;.t9 i = Stenography : he toed Te 75% for.“beth** : ae Date Signed (Certification of Immediate Superior) Ar TAT STR, * Tete fe 5) J 65 hae zh ae ‘ ue 2 = = (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE DEPARTMENT HEAD) Comment on the above statements of the employee and the supervisor. Indicate any inaccuracies cS ihe iio « ¢ 4 ‘ - ‘ 5 © —+- ; jj Wped be Re SE FHLMC Se 2 baak (Certification of Department Head) 19-2250-s 1-42—2M Sets outing, ereanes iia ico ee