Mr. Raymond Hiehols, Chalrmmn, Genereunthama Corns toe, | Vaiveraity of Keneng. . - Pear Raynon The pébitetty that aane out of she pep relly : of the gomrecation hour whieh wae held on Tuesday, Jomuary 6, te Sypleal of mearly ali pebliaity that chvenjslen an event, — wards, the head cheerlosder, ny opening statment was that the present, with ita unpredictable turns aul changes, is altering the whole course of our lives, the jobs we work et, the town and the University which we Mwve in, the clothes we wear end the food that we ent. T made the atatexent : aati: SUE SST eee cues soe the eee af the University of Kensae aa an aid to defense, and that the Chancellor, who is « lover of sports and recreation, was foremost in the crusade to provide a new shating rink on the ‘4{avtremaral field and setting things im order that we might ee ee T told them that their skting in Norway nnd Av 41a, would he the faculty adie adeeiaan Ga thr sane GE ie emnanins Gan eee healthful outdoor activity. I further elaborated upon the lights that were te be used at the skating rink and the legs that we would have for bonfires eo that the students might onjey thia setivicy to the fullest extent. 1 aaid, "2 is free for the aaking,” and I cot a big hand, showing that the students appreciated an setivity for their benefit. : Then, my number two subject was Dr. Nedanith and basketball. E tekk a6 Poaterich Voodiél, the peur, wiegey German bey wandering from a broken home of unhappiness to the Black Forest of Germany, and how out of these meanderings, meinges end wanderings came the theory of the kindergarten- education through play. ‘Then I mentioned the orphen boy from Altment, Canada, raised by an old wunele, Peter Naiant th. Young danse Welentth, 0 woedenmn ond on cubieoy mun, etuliod