, ™ bie desire to do more for youth, he entered Springfield Coller: along with Alonso Stagg, hie elasemete, ant during hie senior year was given an assignment by his instructor, ‘We tales Raley Salis Se eekeense © me eta wh fy troublesome y nin oe Sree ctttntn wotute Go tedtaaas amum. in the tal wot 0 baseball geason in the spring. From the brain ef Dr. Walemith come vaskethell, the guse in which warty aillios pesple ore ing annuallye ceregate attendance at vasketball games in the I then compared Froebel, ‘the quancipator of infansy and early childhood to Dr. Naienith, e great educator from the early teeneage until the early thirties of young manhood. I rt eetsai tos sit tae guithen necwsusny fer on ssveehle pa ay op ey And to show his modesty when the National Asecelation of Basketball Coaches raised seven thousand dollars to buy him a heme and to send him and lira, ‘Madmaith to Berlin, Germany to witness the Olympio Games, his very eple statement was as follows: “Do not be afraid to serve humanity and wait for your reward." { then paid the best tribute I could to this kindly, Chrigtien man and galled attention to the fant that this fiftieth anniversary of the game of basketball has deep significances. I spoke last year at MoPherson, Kansas, to the Ro~ pounders Club, a group of devotees and enthusiasts boosting basketball at MePherson. I gave ae my cpinion the seoret of our defeating Southern California for the Western B.Ceiede championships After I had apoken a practicing physicien there, & Kansas alomus, cane up to ne and said, “Saye ihog Aliens aid you Guay give Taek Gah te Wee ohatente of We imiveralty ah EAE genes they made « change in the Athletic Association and elected