- fines ATHLETIC. ” Gqustpment MANUFACTURERS OF GYMNASIUM AND TRAINING |} EQUIPMENT ED. C. STEFFEN, PRESIDENT 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. TELEPHONE BRUNO J. TEACH. GENER MANAGE NEWSTEAD 6550-6551 = ; ST. LOUIS, (10) MO. July 89, 1943. Mre Forrest C. Allen, Dir. of Phys. Ed., Varsity Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mre Allen: We are enclosing a sample of Canton Flannel Wrestling Mat cover, as requested in your letter of July 2ord, and also the quotation sheet on the additional gymasium mat, which you wish to have reconditioned. We thank you very much for your interest in our equipment and look forward to receiving your requisition. / fe Z Yours veyy truly, . W. HUSSEY, / Auditor. JiH-vh * * THE TRAINING OF MEN BEGINS IN THE GYMNASIUM * *