April 12, 1943. Chancellor Deane W. Malott, University of Kensas. Dear Chancellor Malott: = ket St eset of x epeinny ets pe eee me at the end of the first semester questioning the advisability of our failures in physical conditioning. Up to that time I had known of no reason why we should not give a failure in physical conditioning if it were clearly indicated. The Senate Committee on Exemptions had made no ruling in regard to this situetion and naturally our department had deamed it necessary to apply the rule in soms cases. I had recalled a meting with Dr. Mix, Dr. Woodruff end Rey Wichols and myself in Mr. Nichols office to discuss — this mtter. Dr. Mix thought no failures should be given. There was quite a divergence of opinion thers, and we dis- missed upon that occasion with the understanding that Mr. Nichols after consultation with you would call another meet~ inge Ho meeting was called. — leter, after a discussion with Dr. Mix, the Senate Committee on Exemptions met in Dean Reese's office and decided that failures should be given when indicated, the same as in any other course. I make this progress report to you at this time as it is now cleax to me the reason for your call. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.