Chancellor Deane W. Malott, University of Kansas. Dear Chanesllor Malotts: We had Wayne Replogle speak to our leaders corps lest Thursday evening at 7:30. He did a grand job. I also had him this morning to speak to our Comamity Recreation group on another angle - a broader one, Welfare Recreation in the Navy. Then he finished off with the physica! education, which is supervised by Tom Hamilton and Gene Tunney. That is in the Hayy, of course. He geve the routine for students in physical training and also told of the treining for oe Seeing hin at Rotary at noon gave ne an idene . Why would 4t not be possible to got him returned here to the Navy uit as one of the Chie? Specialists? They have a number of them here and if we get an additional mmber of students it might be an easy matter to obtain him here. Certainly it would be a ten-strike for the campus. . I thought once of spealine to Captain Buh}, but on second thought decided to speak only to my superior and let him evaluate this idea. If it does not appeal t you, forget it.