WNITERSTTY OF KANSAS lawrence Office of The Chancellor : December 21, 19h2 TO MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY: Many shifts in the spring semester assignments of faculty mem bers dowbtiess wijl need te be made because of the immediate plan of the Army and Nery fo. trsining young tien. Among the types of chanzes which = = ao 5 ~ pee ark . + cy = a, CAses are the foliovines might be mace in individual ca & Teaching other suoje demand (mathematics, chenlsury, omi7sics. ete), cots sor which there is 4 greater current Assisting in laboratcries. Assisting in miseurs. Office and clerical work. libraty work. Teaching extension classes and grading ccrrespondence study papers. Willi you. piease heip us make the necessary adjustments quickly and wisely by filling in the blank below and returning it to this office at once’ DEANE i. MALOTT, Chancellor ——_ -——— I: What work, cther than what you are now doing, do you feel you are Dest guaiifiea te de? Please list in crder of preference and be as specific as possid le, II. What specific training or experience have you had to qualify you for such work? ’