THIS IS NOT AN ORDER Form 192 Any Inquiry Refer to Quotation No... 0.0. osc0cc 0k 4 er REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Purchase Request No................... STATE BUSINESS MANAGER Date... August-4,-1943..- TOPEKA, KANSAS Please quote your lowest prices, on the following material delivered F. O. Boo.....2.2..2.22..-2.2c.2esescesc tet cee ee s--- Dept. of Physical Education, University of Kensas,;-Lewrence;--Kensas-—---- 1. Discount periods begin on date of acceptance of material by the State. S.-C Weir age aa ee Ae leh se ad: os Niemi edge anata eat 3. To receive consideration, the original of this “Request for Quotation” with your bid filled in, must be signed and returned by the above specified closing date. 4, All prices and conditions must be shown, additions for packing and other items not shown on this bid will not be allowed. ‘ 5. Bids are invited on specified grade or substitute brands or qualities, or both, provided substitutes are clearly listed as such. Attach to the reverse side of this sheet complete specifications for any substitutions offered. If substitute is not mentioned, bidder will be required to furnish according to specifications. 6. Do not quote on material you are unable to supply. 7. The right is reserved to accept or reject quotations on each item separately, or as a whole. 8. All bids aggregating a sum in excess of $500.00 must be accompanied with a certified check for 5% of the amount, otherwise, the bid will not be considered. Quantity ITEMS AND SPECIFICATIONS , oo gusty oe ae into ela. te 4. Blader foe Push Beli,.6 fb. in dtemeber i ee Hee tapes PLEASE TOTAL To Br Sicnep AND RETURNED Promptiy By Parry Maxinc Bip Shipment will be made... days re) Ae ee a after receipt of order. By Re gg ee eee A ae re De bens Date... a i Me Re Me ea ee fee 19-7045-s 4-48—25M cE