Chanseller Deane W. Malott, University of Kansas. Dear Chancellor Malott: We would like your approval en the location of the scoreboard for basketball in Hoch Auditorium. I would be glad, at your senvenience of course, to walk over to the Auditorium with you and show you the place we have tentatively agreed upon. Mr. Firner and I had Dean — Swarthout come over and he has agreed to the available lecation where everybody cen see it from every angle on the fleor, balcony and stage - just abeve the doors leading to the men’s shower rooms at the front and side of the auditoriu. The plen is to leave them up only for the basketball season, and during the Christmas Vespers to drape then with some sert of cloth or bunting to hide their ugliness for the beauty of the Vespers. _ Mre Firner doesn't want to go ehead and put them up until we get the Chancellor's approval, and as we will have a game on the 15th of December with Creighton Univ- ersity in the Auditorium, it is necessary for Mr. Firner te have a definite o.k. on it. I will appreciate it if your secretary will call and let me know when it will be convenient for you te go to the Auditorium with me. Cordially yours, Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball coach.