ras ATHLETIC Cqucpment MANUFACTURERS OF GYMNASIUM AND TRAINING |i EQuiPMeENT ED. C. STEFFEN, PRESIDENT 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. TELEPHONE BRUNO J. TEACH. GENERAL MANAGER NEWSTEAD 6550-6551 $T. LOUIS, (10) MO. Aug e 5; 1943. Coach Forrest ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Coach Allen: Thanks for your welcome letter of Aug. 4th. However, we regret that we are unable to furnish Push Ball Bladders, an item which we manufactured in the past. ~~ Push ball bladders require fresh, crude rubber and the Rubber Branch of the W.P.B. does not permit the pro- duction of this item, regardless of top Preference Ratings. So sorry that we camot serve you. Almost everything else in our Billetin can be supplied and we are looking forward to hearing from you again. Yours fray truly, Ue & V. E. HOFSTETTER, Sales Depts / ae VEH=im x * THE TRAINING OF MEN BEGINS IN THE GYMNASIUM * *