Osteber il, 1941 Chanceller Deane W. Malett Prank Strong Hall Campus Dear Chancellor Malott, Perhaps a fellow should be lectured to for thinking of thie and down-right reprimanded for suggesting it, but the thought comes to me over and over, so I'm placing it before your consideration. In the early 20's the students were charged ea Union Building fee- that was for their social betterment. In 1931 the hospital was built and they were charged a hospital fee for the benefit of their health. For quite some years they've been charged an activity fee for their all-around betterment. The State of Kansas cannot pay for these extras and everybody agrées that the fee is legitimate. But what about their physical betterment? — : The State of Eansas has not had any money apparently to construc t play devices er build buildiz | des for the student's physical or recreational needs. Therefore, it seems legicel and thinkable to me thet instead of askine a few thousend students to subscribe or donate funds for handball courts, temnis courts, etc. why would it not be possible for each and every student to pay $1.00 upon their activity ticket each year for facilities for skiing, night ice- skating, tennis courts, handball courts, ete.? By this method a definite and long-range policy of building play facilities for the students could be undertakéneand accomplished. Over six years ago I had Prof. F. A. Russell figure for a concrete handball and tennis court unit construction plan. Well, of course, there was no appropriation by the state, and those plans lie in a quiescent state. : When I was Director of Athletics, I spent $1,000 dollars per year out of the Athletic funds on play facilities for physical education. The golf course was rehabilitated, eight wooden handball courte were built, the tennis courts were constructed, and all of these were paid for out of the athletic funds. It has now been five years since the set-up was changed administratively, and no funds have come in to continue such a program. As you probably know, four of the handball courts have deteriorated and have passed out of existence, and the others are in a very bad state of repair. Even for the painting of the inside of these courts, the department of physical education had to pay. You can see that unless some definite plan of rehabilitation is