Septenber 29, 1941. Mr. Raymond Nichols, Chancellor's Office, University of Kansas. Dear Mr. Nichols: Confirming our telephone conversation of last Seturdey morning I am writing to request that the balance in item #7 of our salary budget be transferred to our ir- regular payroll fund. I am today sending to Dean Smith for his signature the appointment blanks for Carl Jessup and William Belt, two graduate students whe are teaching physical education classes. I am presuming that their salaries will be deducted from this item before the balance is transferred to the irregular pay- roli fund. | We are using Heven Glassmire, John Pfitsch and one or two other well-qualified students te handle some of our activity classes. in view of the government's most recent ruling regarding the selectees’ induction into the Army, we feel it is not expedient to send through regular appointments for these young men. For that reason we shall take care of Therefore, if you will kindly have this balance transferred I shall appreciate it. Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:A Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.