- August 28, 1945. — Chancellor Deane W. Malott, University of Kansas. Dear Chancellor Malott: I desire to give you a progress report on the swimming pool. I did not want to go into detail at our short conference in your office. We have consulted with Professor F. A. Russell end some representatives of the tile psople in Kansas City. ‘hen we have this information at hani we will submit it to you, which I hope will be soon. We are asking bids on the concrete basin that surrounds the pool from Penny, Constant and Basil Greon. Of course, before we do any of this we will submit the full information to yous. We are dealing through Professor Russell and asking that he ask for bids. By this method we will avoid any teslhnical error.” I was tremendously interested in your interest of the enlisted men on the campus during their recroative hour. Your men~ tion of using tennis courts for volley ball courts causes me to make this observation. All volley ball courts should be near the — building in which students are quartered. The only two possible locations for volley ball courts, as I see it, would be one between Robinson Cymmasium and Haworth Hall, and the other would be on the quadrangle. Would you care to sacrifice this much grass? I still think that it will be necessary on Sundays to — work out a scheme whereby we can apen up both basketball courts for the play of these enlisted men. lvery able-bodied boy has played basketball in elementary selool or high school, and there will be ‘a tremendous demand for these play spaces. I think the supervision could be sufficiently arranged. | > Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Baucation, FCA:AH ‘Varsity Basketball Coach.