| Maoh 24, 1943. Chamzellor Deane #. Malott, University of Kansas. Dear Chancellor Malott; — Ralph Schaake, our first student assistant who has been doing a grand job in physical education, and Hubert Ulrich, another student assistant, are leaving before April 29th on the V-7 contingent call. ‘The Army has already called Ray Evans, Jack Ballard, George Dick, Bill Brill, Armand Dixon, and Charlie Black. . We are in dire need of someone to assist us, especially if Hemry Shenk supervisea the Interssholastio We have had offers from Professor Boughton and Rert Nash to assist us, but these are for the sumer. . We are in serious need of a full time man. Po I have authority to actively get busy to procure someone?» We were not able to keep Mr. McElhimny, the cus- todian ef the equipment and towel room, on account of inefficiency. We have been paying om the hourly basis senior students to supervisa, but these boys are being . galled. In these two rooms there are betwoen five and geven thousand dollara worth of student-owned equipment that must be protected from loss. — It occurred to me that Dean Nesmith, who is trainer for the teams, might be worked inte this supervisor job in an excellent manner. He gets along well with the stud- ents and I believe he would be a happy selection if this could be worked out. We are cebtainly going to need some- body for this as we have been practically wholly dependent upon senior students, who are fast vanishing. Sincerely you's, e : Director of Physical ‘Bducation, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach.