Way 19, 1942. Mrs. Jerome Adams, 508 West Street, Shenandoah, Towa. Thank you for your kind letter of May 17th. I am glad to know of Donald's fine scholastic record, and if he to live in one of the men's dormitories i do not believe he would have much difficulty in obtaining this privilege. I am enclosing an application blank which he may wish to fill out and return to the Appointment Com mittee. You will note that these applications should be | filed by May lst, but I learn thet there are still some vacancies and it is not too late for his application to be little more sure of his plans. If he 2 the Eudora plant I am sure that I can help him get the job. of Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH . Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 7