Chancellor MaAlott Page 2 3 Jane 6, 1941 This morning my secretary gave me a notation from Mre Wiley as follows: "rr. Allen; Mre Wiley just called to check the hours that Mr. Nichols - gave me regarding the time the auditorium may be used for practice this weekends (You will recall there is a Music Clinic here this week) =e, The hours check for Thursday, no prectice in Hoch on Friday, but on Saturday Mre Wiley says it cannot possibly be ready _ before 54505 Mr» Nichols said 4:80e<-but Mr, Nichols probably did not realize that elevations will have to be renoved from the basketball floor after the afternoon performance, and Myre Harris says it will take an hour to remove the elevetions.s I told Mre Wiley that you no doubt will wish te practice in Hoch on Saturday in view of the fact that we have a game here on the following Mondays He said he was sorry you could not | get in sooner on Saturday, and said he would be glad to talk to you if you wished to call hime He will send you a program of the Music Clinic. 3 lg* _ The use of the auditorium has become so manifold and each individual feels as if his reservations are more important than the | others; therefore we are being forced out entirely, so far as practice periods are concerned or even a scheduled arrangement is possible. For that reason I wish to offer an emphatic protest against the way the thing is handled. If I am thinking correctly, I see no reason why a Music Clinic was scheduled util or unless we were consulted, ‘these dates have been taken away from us without our being notified, and inasmuch as we pley our first conference game next Monday, we are placed in a position of ' being foreed to play over there against our wishes with but one practice period for the whole timee Therefore, I feel enphatically that we would be much better off in erecting seats here in our gymnasium and playing where we can practice without interruption. | . , in @11 other BigeSix schools the teams practice where they playe I am sure thet you will recognize the fact that it is very dffficult to spend all of our practice periods over here in the gymasium and then be forced to play on a semi-foreign courte All other teams practice on the-home — court and the difference in points is from 8 to 10 per gameo. In justice to my boys and the team I feel that this is emphatically wnfairs