woes : The rocms that I wrote Mire Davis about were not | plamed for temporary constructions In my opinion, it is just as pere manent as the brick wall thet we built giving the women move ample dressing roon facilities, end the closing in of the shower roma which added a hygiende situations We have » wooden ceiling above this location that I desired walled ing If we would put any flammable ) we would just add to the hazards of being burned dowis there : : I have carried on a relentless fight against the use of cigarettes in this building. It is e fire trap, and if fire would ever art the neu daar aati on it would just take these floors out in | | tora out or changede Years ago we had placed in the ceiling o Cyunasiun large ventilators to aid in the ciroulation of air i mow heve in mind another improvement, if wo can all egree that is to use that space up there for recitation class and This, of course, is when the funds are avéllables It woul large amount cf additional space and at the same tine large autitoriu off with a ceilings And the ceiling not to interfere in any way with basketball games and pequire elevated ceilingse At the seme time, it would give larged space which is so necessary here for olass roaas in education set upe Dormer windows could be run along the south the roof tc adait sunlight in a most pleasing fashions Hilt Te pe iM gymmasiun would provice a space for electric lighting fixtures and would : make safe the handling of thie lightinge As it is now, it is a greet hagard for the men to climb frqn beam to beam in handling this very dangerous lighting situations ee: Ae I beg your pardon for writing such a long letter, but I wanted you to kuow how very carefully we have considered this small request before we asked for ite Very cordially yours, Varsity Dasketball Coach, FCAsAH . Director of Physical Educations