«$e exercise he needs, If he isn't active, he needs nedical attention, The young boy and girl should not be allowed to shirk school athletics, but should be encoureged in every farn of outdeor=play-bell, tennis, «ll running games, wheyeling, swimaing, coasting end skatinge ee ‘guaeles, those of the back, chest, shoulders, hipe and thighs. After thirty, epped end hard endurance trials aren't quite so costrable, but In middle age, exercise is most valuable in holding off deterioration, end those activities which are moderate and not ovareetraining, aay be indulged in with profit and safety. , ke far as sox is concerned, up te the eleventh year there need be no difference fm the gauos or activitios of the boy and girl. After this age there is and should be a separation in type and fora, The best authorities agree that eompetitive athletic games between adolescent boys ond girle ere inadvissblee Repecielly advised against for girls are bresd junp, high Jusp, pole vaulting, weight Wwowlng, and running in competition of sore then 100 yards, Heat other And now one final thought. If you are going in for a resereation of your body, aake @ call on your doctor end sek hia to examine yous He will be able to advise you how fer you cen go, and what you can do with esfety. Then, go ahead end do ft. But remember this: exercise with a common senses In one of the best gymasia in the city, there is posted a big sign, printed in large letters and placed so that whoever comes in must see it, 4nd on thie