Ya HEADQUARTERS KANSAS RECRUITING DISTRICT UNITED STATES ARMY WYANDOTTE COUNTY COURT HOUSE May 1, 1942 Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Sir: At the present time there are a limited number of openings in the Army of the United States for men who have an A.B. Degree in physical education or who have had wide experience as directors of physical training and recreation. These specialists will be enlisted as privates in the Air Corps and upon completion of basic training will be eligible for officer candidate training as Air Corps physical training officers. It is suggested you use the contents of this letter as a bulletin to be placed where those qualified may see it and if interested they can contact this office for further information. Thanking you for your cooperation, I remain, Very truly yours, Mis Cath WARREN A. B , : ist Lieut., Cavalry, Asst Retg & Ind Officer.