May 23rd, 1941 Chancellor Dean Malott University of Kansas Dear Chancellor Melott: In reply to your communication of the 20th instant asking for our selection of five men that you listed for the position of deanship in the School of Education, I em very frank in saying that Mr. Emens was my first choice. Since it is impossible to get Yr. Emens or Mr. Newburn, my first choice of the three is Mr. George B. Smith; secondly, Er. Bell, and thirdly, Mr. Northby. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA:re | Baseball Coach. P.S.: Dr. Allen had 2 TBAve"@4 dPULOHkenall team to Manhattan before this letter was written. He asked that I sign the same for him. THT “Pace Avy Secretary.