UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Office of The Chancellor July 1, 1941 TO MEMBERS OF THE STaFF; Enclosed is the official notification of your appointment for the year 1941-'42. By order of the Board of Regents the salary is contingent on enrollment. This contingency has applied annually for a number of years, but no adjustment has ever had to be made and we are confident that none will be necessary this year. The appointment is contingent also on the application of the civil service law enacted by the 1941 legislature in the case of all personnel except administrative officers, members of the in- structional staff, and student employees on less than half-time. Full information concerning the new law will be sent to you as soon as any regulations or instructions are received from the state civil service board. Due to the problems of organization and procedure facing the board it is considered unlikely that the law as it affects the University will be nut into operation during this fiscal year. The enclosed Information Card should be filled out and re- turned to the Chancellor's Office before the 25th of the month in which your appointment becomes effective. The information reouested is needed for disoosition of the monthly ‘salary warrants and for compilation of the Faculty Directory. Sincerely yours, DEANE W. MALOTT, Chancellor.