re aaa, eR R REISE ea ; January 16, 1942. Mr. Me Pe Ahearn, Director of Athletics, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. Dear Mike: Thank you for your very good letter. Yes, Mike, I knew through my knowledge of the rules and the experience that I had gained here as Director of Athletics that you of yourself could not do the things that I asked. But I was hoping that you would ask Dr. King to consider the matter. I know that it would be illegal, but I thought sine Oklahoma had been so definitely illegal and then had endeavored to smoke sereen the issue, that maybe someone might want to call their hend. I certainly would if I could have an opportunity to do so. I am not a policeman nor do I desire to persecute anyone, but this Lester Layton ease is not ended yet. Nor is the action back of transporting those ten boys to Oklahoma U. over yet. I will endeavor to lay before the con- ference some information that I think will be rather surprising, and if the conference desires to do nothing about it, then well and good. Prenkly, there are too many yes men in the country and again, there are too many fellows who think the other fellow has got something on them and thex are afraid to speak their minds. I felt that since Oklehoma has cast aspersions on the University of Kansas and had insinuated that her basketball coach had made some startling offers to Mr. Tucker, then and there I wanted to call their hand, and I still do. I have never seen you afraid of anybody and I do not think that situation will ever exist. If dirty linen must be dragged out of the closet to clean some things up, then I have no hesitancy in doing the m- savory job. In my humble opinion, Oklahoma has been in very much the position of Japan when they marched into Manchuoko and of Hitler when he marched into the Ruhb Valley. It seems as if Jenuary 16, 1942, | year at Mre He Fe Ahoarn, Director of Athletios, Kensas State College, Manhattan, Kensase Dear Mike: Thani: you for your vory good letter. Yes, Mike, T knew through my lmowledge of pensar ! Suet i hh qebsiel heme an Phredted Gf Bectetied taah you at | yourself could not do the things that I asked. But I was hoping that you would ask Dr. King to consider the matter. ee ee oe week Pe agi ae tee al See srecuiee Wadia: wo tka Maohes Cee a de 8 no Gkiahena B. over yot,, T will enmvor to ly before the sad Sf Gu wuitqrasan Acutoon 4 dn nothing show’ shomh 4%, Sn well and good. ; Prankly, there are too many yes men in the country | sick teint, Macnee te hab teeeye Galton che Geta es wanes Ht has got something on them and theg are afraid to speak their winds. I felt that since Oklahoma has cast aspersions on the University of Sansas and had insinuated that her basketball soon you afraid of emybody and I do not think that situation will ever exist. | cs dives Snel ac ks ed ok ot le ame Same inant te. Sen 5 hee re pewstemey An Getng She tee @2o waited for the other fellow to do something about it, and nobody did. Certainly enough information has been presented to substantiate facts regarding irregularities practiced by Big Six Conference members who fracture every rule in the handbook. But no one enong the Big Six Conference faculty representatives wants to éa anything shout it. Thanking you for your good letter, I an Sincerely yours, DPirecter of Physical Edvontion and Recreation, FCAs AN Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN ‘ DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS January 10, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog": Your letter sugresting that we hold a meeting of the basketball coaches plus “Jap" Haskell and Bruce Drake has been received. As you have already indicated in your newspaper comments, it arrived after I had mailed my answer in the Tucker case to “Jap” Haskell. However, I am certain that you, through your long experience as a director of athletics, know that I do not mve the authority to. call such a meeting because the subject matter is of a legislative nature. Apparently, it is difficult, and perhaps rightly so, for one to secure concrete evidence of subsidization of athletes by members of any Conference. Rumors fly thick and fast, and one may have his on opinions regarding the actions of certain schools, but it is quite another thing to prove a case. I believe that my contention is supported by the fact that newspapers quote Oklahoma authorities as furnishing proof that Lester Layton is not being paid by the Boston Red Sox, but has been legitimately working his way through school. In the morning paper they also maintain that they are entirely innocent on the charge that they are paying the expenses of the boys from Wichita High School. I appreciated receiving the information contained in your letter, but as previously stated, I have no authority vested in me to call such a meeting as you suggest, because such a meeting is handled by the Faculty Representatives of the Big Six Conference. Very sincerely yours, M, Fe Ahearn, ‘ Director MPAsIR oe 4 2g | a og January’ 27, 1942. Mr. Rebert E. Allen, 44 Marris Hall, University of Pa. Philadelphia Pa. Dear Bobby: — I am sending you a copy of the letter I sent to te convocation committee following the convocation- rally of January 6. I thought you might be interested in the whole story. Sincerely yours, Mirector of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. AMERICAN —— FOR ‘HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION Cou ttee on Student Seatien To: The State Presidents of the Health, Physical Hducation, and Recreation Associations Dear President: | The Committee on Student Section, sneak by the president of the dis Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, is attempting to interest major students in the affairs of their state and national associations, Some of the ways in which we hope to accomplish this aim is by promoting student membership in the above organizations, by stimulating an increased attendance at association con- ventions and by preening state, on and national student sections, May we urge you to Wives the SehsinitaSaing institution in your state toe send in their student state and national members, A list of these institutions is enclosed in this letter. The report of offical membership in your state appeared in the September 1941 Journal of Health and Physical Education as you ne doubt know. May we suggest that you consult the student colums of this “wer for a check up on this: section of your state memberships In connection with student attendance at the coming national onside do you think it is possible to secure a student or group student rate on bus and train? Contact with the various transportation companies might result in reduced fares for students and be a means of enabling. more wtodents to attend the con= vention. Many states already have student wankheus in their state associations. These sections function at the state conventions and sometimes throughout the year. It would be a big step forward if with the formation of @ national student section there were also similar district and state sections through which © there might be a unity of work and purpose. Will you please give us your suggestions for a state section when you answer the questions’ enclosed with this letter. We have Sahil a short list of questions. the dataiatinid and replies of — all state presidents will be tabulated and sent beak to each state so that you may — share in ~ ideas of alle war i thanie you in otvunne in Menaet of my comittes for your mine in further- ing our work. ? Very truly yours, =: Virginia Bourquardesz, Chairman Committee on Student Seotion AchelieP sEeRe QUESTIONS ABOUT STUDENT PROBLEMS (Please enswer each question fully and place each answer on a separate sheet. ) hi? Is there a definite ecmpahion for decuring student members an your weate ant Af Oo) nie Se Sh ergenteee? ae | ! 2, How one the state assectation stimlate student wie. at state conventions? at national conventions? De you have further suggestions for this? Se Does your state association heve a student section? If so, - how is the section organiséd? What are the Snotions of the ‘section? 4. Do you have any additional iesiians for ipettiue students ves natively ——— in whose professional senousenions? Signed Wano of President State - Please return this page and your answers by Jan. 15 to: . Miss Virginia Bourquardes ; Chairmen on Student Section : Texas State College for Women - Box 3717 7 W ] p ’ a CLASS OF SERVICE E, S E RN L20t 3 SYMBOLS cae is a ie DL=Day Letter elegram or Cable- ee gram unless its de- : NT =Overnight Telegram ferred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable ; - symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT See ey “LDS ; time shown (Onn ‘on ‘ ; vv ie we letters is STANDARD.TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point “ destination — : PHILADELPHIA PENN ie 1942 1216P DR F C ALLENO PERSONAL ag WK TRY MORRISON HOTEL CHEACO RE ALL OUT FOR VICTORY TONIGHT. COUNTING ON WIN REGARDS To MITT BOB 114P THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS February 6, 1942 pr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog": Thanks very mch for your willingness to loan the films of the Kansas University-Kensas State basketball game to our coach, Jack Gardner. I am certain that Jack will appreciate your loaning him the films, as he is very anxious to study the strength and weaknesses displayed in that game e ‘ Sincerely yours, : adh , . / M. F. Ahearn, Director MFA:LR February 5, 1942. Mre Me Fe Ahearn, Director of Athletics, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. Dear Mikes Sikes his ek tok Sed Oe ee letter of daumry 20%: regaréing the beaketball fine. We have just returned to our desk after being absent several days on a basketball trip, and I have not yet had an opportunity to see the film. I am not sure that it is ready yot, but I shall make inquiries and write you agein in the very near futures 7 We shall be happy to loan them to Jack Gardner when they are available. You may expect to hear from me Sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS January 50, Mr. Gwinn Henry Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Gwinn: I am writing in the interest of Mr. Jack Gardner, our basketball coach, who is very anxious to borrow the films taken of the basketball game between Kansas University and Kansas State provided it meets with the er of Dr. F. Ce ae: if, far any reason, Doctor Allen is averse to loaning the film just disregard our request and we will abide by his decision. Sincerely yours, M. F. Ahearn, Director x have goee Sebher Ss segues be the Fine OF the DENTE Gente : Very sincerely yours, GH:iv February 14, 1942. Br. J. H. Nelson, Assistant Dean, The Graduate School. Dear Dean Nelson: I am sending you herewith a letter which was sent to me by Superintendent Ermest R. Allbert of Smith Center in behalf of Frank Pattee, who is a candidate for a Swmerfield Scholarship. I have written to Superintendent Allbert ex- plaining to him that I am not a member of this committee. I told him that I was forwarding his recommendation to yous. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. February 14, 1942. Mr. Ernest R. Alibert, of Schools, Smith Center, Kansas. Dear Superintendent Allbert: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 12th instant concerning Frank Pattee, who is a candidate for one of the Summerfield Scholarships. T am mot a member of the Summerfield Scholarship Committee, but I am very happy to refer your letter to Dean J. H. Nelgon, who is on the committee. Professor Olin Templin ise chairman of the committee, but confidentially, I believe it might harm the boy for me to recommend him to Professor Templin. He has not been friendly toward athletics, and frankly if the boy has any athletic skill I believe'a state- ment from me would not help any. I trust that you will pardon me for writing you in this manner, but I went to do what is best for Frank's welfare. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY -COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 300 PEARL STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK February 24, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen c/o Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas My dear Doc: I am writing a series of basketball books for the A. S. Barnes Publishing Company on the subject of basketball. I know you are busy but hope you can spare a moment to fill out the attached sheet relative to your personal contribution to the game. It sure will be appreciated since I should like such references to be authentic. A stamped return envelope is also enclosed. I trust your team will continue successfully throughout the season. Hope to see youat the con- vention. Sincerely, ‘lair Bee, Dir. Physical Education P.S. Could you spare me a photo of yourself? March 5, 1942, Col. Harry B. Allen, Commendant, RaQeT Ce, . Stanford University, California. Dear Fetes I received the enclosed postcard this morning, which I thought you would like to sees. I don't write you often but when anything like this comes up I want you to have it. Trust that Hannah and Marjorie are well. | Sincerely yours, ‘Direotor of Physics] Eduontion and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. EMG e. sy March 5, 1942, Col. Harry B. Allen, Commendant, RaQeloCe, x Stanford University, California. Dear Petes I received the enclosed postcard this which I thought you would like to see. I don't write you often but when anything like this comes up I want you to have it. Trust that Hannah and Marjorie ere well. 7 Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Eduoation and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. EMG , s March 6, 1942. Me. I. Le Bigus, 3907 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Bigus: Thenk you very much for your postcard concerning my brother, Harry B. Allen. I am sending your comami- eation on to him, as I know he would be interested in hearing from youe His address is Col. Harry 5. -llen, Commandant, ReOeTeCe, Stanford University, California. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Merch 25, 1942. Athletic Trainers Supply Cos, 451 Broadway, New York City, NeYe Dear Sirs: | Will you kindly send us by return mil ene dozen Nos PV--Pennsylvania Volley indoor badminton birds, listed at $4.00 per dozen in your recent catalog? A money order for 24.00 is enclosed. Sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, ene Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache March Sl, 1942. Mre Me Po Amrine, Yarden, Keansgs State Penitentiary, Lenaing, Fensas. Dear Warden Amine: Tt was wonterful of you to rip asus concerning our basketball season, Dem.sorry Se ee CAMOS o The boys had a long and strenuous season, but they have done remarkably well and I em very —— oe We greatly appreciate your loyalty and fine support at all times. With kindes*: personal regards end best wishes, I eam Very sincerely yours, \ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, POA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. STATE OF KANSAS KANSAS STATE PENITENTIARY PAYNE H. RATNER, GOVERNOR - Tore BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION M. F. AMRINE, W ARDEN FRANK W. BOYD, CHAIRMAN PHILLIPSBURG FRANK SULLIVAN : LAWRENCE LANSING, KANSAS FRANK MILLIGAN, BUSINESS MANAGER Fort SCOTT March Aas 19426 Dr. F.C. Allen University of Kansas, Lawrence, Sansas. Dear Allens: Just wantéd to congratulate you on the fine season you have had with your baskef ball team. Twice I planned to see. the Kansas City contest but one thing and enother interfered. In the background of my head, I think, perhaps, the main reason was I was not sure I could get a favorable seat when I had waited so late to arrange for it. I followed your team through the > season and I am very proud of it and your work, as I am sure all of our people are who take any interest at all in our high class athletic events. Yours very truly, Tee p M.F. AMRINE | 7 March 31, 1942. Mre Avery HM. Besser, President, The Anatomical Chart Company, 440 3. Dearborn St., Chicego, Illinois. Dear Mr. Besser: Thank you very much for your kind letter of March 25%th advising us that the Bachin Charts of the Nervous and Circulatory Systems will be ready for — distribution on April first. We are sending through our business office today our order for one copy of each of these charts. We feel that the charts will be very valuable teach~ ing sidg. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAs AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 7 ore March 11, 1942. iy. Peter Bachin, Anatomical Chart Company, 440 Sos Dearborn St., Chieago, Tilinois. Dear Mr. Raching fan. wary plegeed. te Inoe on eppertenky te taapest your charts on the human nervous system and the circulatory systen. As soon as they are available we will be very happy to place an order for these charts to be used in our Depart- ment of Physical Education. i congratulate you on the excellent work that you have done in preparing these unusual masterpieces. Very cordially yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. $0 $/3 LIFE SIZE 36 x67 inches THE. td 10 BRILLIANT COLORS NERVOUS — Enthusiastically Acclaimed by Outstanding MEDICAL SCHOOLS SYSTEM HOSPITALS UNIVERSITIES Unequalled for LECTURES DEMONSTRATION REFERENCE RESEARCH OFFICE DISPLAY The Chart of the Nervous System is exactly what I have been looking for lo these many years. It fills the great need that we have in teaching gross anatomy.” —C. M. McFALL, Professor of Anatomy The George Washington University School of Medicine “We believe that the chart on the anatomic nervous system will be excellent for teaching purposes. The chart shows the structure in very good detail and is so carefully and clearly labeled that it should be an invaluable tool for students.” —BLANCHE E. EDWARDS, Superintendent of Nursing Bellevue Hospital, Bellevue School of Nursing “It appears to me to fill a long felt need. Charts of this nature have been issued before, but none it seems to me have the clearness and the accuracy of this one. I have examined it with some care and believe that there is not much room for improvement.” —DR. CHARLES H. SWIFT The University of Chicago, Department of Anatomy The chart of the nervous system is, in my opinion, a very excellent artistic as well as a scientific accomplishment. It should prove of great value not only in the teaching of anatomy, but also as a constant reference.” —OTHMAR SOLNITZKY, M.D., Professor of Anatomy Georgetown University School of Medicine, Brain Research Institute "The chart of the nervous system which you have shown me is excellent and I wish to place my order.” —L. C. DUNN, Executive Offices Columbia University, Department of Zoology After examination of your very interesting chart of the nervous system, I will advise its purchase.” —H. B. BAKER, Zoological Laboratory University of Pennsylvania "T have examined your chart of the human nervous system and I am convinced that it will be of great value in teaching. I also feel that it is superior to other charts.” —DWIGHT L. HOPKINS, Ph.D. Mundelein College, Department of Biology After examination of your very interesting chart of the nervous sys- tem, I will speak with Dr. Haggard regarding the purchase of one.” —LEON A. GREENBERG, Ph.D. Yale University, Laboratory of Applied Physiology "The chart of the nervous system promises to be very useful in teaching and I suggest that one be ordered for our use here in Neuroanatomy.” —ELIZABETH C. CROSBY, Professor of Anatomy University of Michigan Medical School "It is remarkable with what great clarity Mr. Peter Bachin has been able to portray the unending detail. My department will gladly purchase a copy of this beautiful chart.” —OTTO F. KAMPMEIER, Professor of Anatomy University of Illinois, College of Medicine . ‘This chart was designed and edited by Peter Bachin, who combines in a rare way a know- ledge of human anatomy with the skilled craftsmanship of an artist. During his travels introducing the Bachin Chart of the Vascular System and lecturing on it, he was requested by leading anatomists, biologists and heads of hospital training schools to take up the task of producing a chart of the nervous system. Much study and research went into its preparation. Not only has no chart of equal scope ever before been available but many of the structures pictured on this Chart of the Nervous System cannot be found in any textbook. A careful study of this chart is the best preparation for work at the dissecting table. For example, using this chart one can easily trace the sympathetic system from the cephalic down through its cervical, thoracic, abdominal and pelvic portions to the caudal end where both its trunks converge in a single ganglion, the ganglion impar. THE RERVOUS SYSTEM The simple reproduction shown here can i! do no more than suggest the size, beauty, Ou MUS f 4ee iL or uourset?t. and exquisite detail of the actual chart, and 4 it omits one of the most important EXCLU- SIVE features of the “Bachin Chart of the PRICES AND DETAILS OF Nervous System”: EVERY NERVE AND m ” STRUCTURE IS LABELED IN FULL DETAIL OUR “ON APPROVAL RIGHT ON THE FACE OF THE CHART, a OFFER ON NEXT PAGE simplification that does away with the inconvenience of key books or other refer- ence in study and teaching. LR evemnox 4EDICAT co THE JF ewe ape : See ROP aRa Ter Dawiel pavem in . UNIVERSITY OF ILI EORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ns 7 > i oe see Peper, ao Cht W ane UN, ie 1903 Weer poe avarey MERC OF xn “Ago 200, VV, tomy 2 ‘By, wanniMaTom OS UNIVERSIT : Y MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE re OF MicHr 28) NORTH FIFTEENTH BYweer Colmmbia Uniuerstty inthe Ci oftlog MILWAUKEE winconsin sity UNIVER accuse YORK LIM AICTE Di tate! DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALS BELLEVUE HOSPITAL OFrics oF TRON — FIRST AVENUE AxD R867 Bracer i New Yorn ¢ Bellovue Schools ef chuaine UNIVERSITY} INSYLVANIA PHI uA. THE COLLEGE OK iy « 'e BUNsinets, = is ULARTNENT OF BioLcey a May 23, 1941, BALTIMORE COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY DENTAL SCHOOL t UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY * " BALTIMORE, MD. oe ae CF Gr YALE uN IVERSITy QRY OF app; LIED py: Hou D PHYSIOLOGY NET PRICE @ These prices are NS-A, lithographed in 10 colors on sturdy, cloth-backed chart paper, complete with roller top and bottom........... 5] 00 NS-B, Special ‘Everlasting’ Edition hand- mounted on durable muslin, complete with spring rollers and board; dust- S 35 TOOL COVER 6. Gee Sb as eee COSTS YOU NOTHING IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED! USE THE ENCLOSED ORDER CARD TODAY! The publisher’s confidence in making this unusual offer is supported by the unqualified endorsement of the “‘Bachin Chart of the Nervous System” by medical schools, hospitals, and libraries where it is now in use ... by professors in Anatomy, neurologists, biologists, surgeons, physiologists, and psychiatrists. Unsolicited letters of appreciation have hailed this newest and greatest achievement in American-made Anatomical charts. guaranteed only while our present supply of the first printing of “The Ner- vous System” lasts. Rising costs of material and la- bor indicate that prices may be higher in the near future. SEND NO MONEY! By all means see for yourself what an important addition to your reference library "The Nervous System” will be. Just fill in your name and address on the enclosed | E X AMIN ATIO N card and mail . . . it does not even require a stamp. You may keep the Chart for five days without obligation. Study it; use it; then if for any reason you decide not to keep it, return the Chart to us and pay nothing. Of course we are very sure that J you will appreciate the value and significance of the ‘Bachin Chart of The Nervous a System” and that you will send us your check instead. ANATOMICAL CHART CO., Publishers @ 4405. DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO April 28, 1942. Mre. Ed Ash, 2272 Roswell, Kanses City, Eansas. Dear ire. Ash: Since your letter arrived I have been making inguiries about furnished houses that might be for rent- during the summer, and I have not had much luck. If you could drive up some time soon and talk to Miss Marie Miller, in the /dviser df Women’s Office, I think that might be the best possibility. At the present time they do not have houses listed, but if they know specifically what you want they may be able to help youe I have called a number of offices and have left word for them to call here if any of the faculty members are desiring tenanta for the summer. ‘It might be well, of course, for you to advertise in the Lawrence Journal World. We will be happy to have Eddie in summer school, and if there is snything we can do to help you find a place to live you may be sure that we will do it. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eiucation and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. E22 72 ga oe Pee ve + fae