February 22, 1941 I am sending you my file on Dre Jessen and Hoyt Bakers Hoyt Baker, it seems is 2 very capable athlete and a fine student and comes from a very fine family in Peabodye I lmow you are too busy to be bothered with much of this, but I want you to see wat they are doing in other conmmitiess I think it was the bantem rooster that mde this statenert to his hen family when he walked out of his cage into the ostrich pen and discovered an ostrich egg, “Cone over heros I want to show you what they are doing in other communities," Apparently these Notre Dame boys have a big nest egge Tt is not necessary for you to reply to this correspondence, but this gives you a pretty definite idea of why boys leave our State and go to Colorado, Oklahom. and Notre lames We would appreciate your returning this eorrespondence for our files after you have finished reading ite Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation Varsity Basketball Coach WAslg