a running, jumping, Lifting, throwing, striking, hanging and eliabing, sade tan the muscular aniaal he is today, end they"li recreate you, if you practice heavy work-out with daily exercise drijle, you will have enough to assure you the uiniww: amount of exercise the bedy needs. Whether beavy or Light, don't exercise till it hurts, The idea thet exersice to be worth enything must leave you sore and stiff is about es logical ae the idea thet medicine to be effective wust taste or suell badly, lxerciee till you are go along, but dontt overdo its If you went to know whether you are profiting by your exercioes, ave if they produce in you # fester pulse, « deeper and more rapid breething, and pevspiration, If you got these effects, then you cen be sure that bleod clreulation is increased, thet more food ie being brought to your tissues, and sore waste carried away from thems that your kidneys, lunge, intestines, and skin ere helping to clear out waste products; and, what perhaps is most importent, that your vital organs are portent, more important are the vital organs, the heaxt, the lucga, the intestines, Yow all of what Ifwe said thus fer is pretty general, Exercises should, however, be adapted to the particular age and sex of the individual. The youngster, if he