_ November 13, 1940 Mre Raymond Nichols Executive Seeretary Chancellor's Office University of Kansas Dear Mr. Nichols: = eeteiebiechen senckok a0 uni bathed of Vik Oth tettied ta veeeed te the improper handling of purchase request mmbers 15761 and 15762. I lmow full well the ruling of the University and the lew of the State regarding these purchases. Without desiring to pass respohsibility to anyone else, I might say that when Mrs. Alberta Hulteen wae our secretary I believe there was no infraction of this rules ey aS Dae cane Se 008 Sane Oyen Mree Hulteen resigned, and although Mrs. Hulteen and I made every endeavor to We make very few requests for emergency purchases because our Departnent members are appraised of the fact that if they do not notify us in time, they will have to wait witil the usual process of the law ean functions — Thank you for ealling thie aateer te our attentione Sincerely FOS, } Director of Physical Education and Reereati on FOAslg Varsity Basketball Coach Cc; Mre Klooz ~-