Chaneelior Deane We Mmlott University of Kansas Dear Chancellor Malott: Really this letter is not of much importance, but it is a desire on my part te explain why there was a slight mix=up prior to Professor Joe Wilkins Glee Club singing the Star Spangled Banner during the flag-raising at the _ Kansas-Nebraska Basketball Game. | When I eame here in 1920, I believed that dramatizing events and — using spectacular display at our basketball games was about ag important as the game itself. There is a fifteen minute intermission between halves; and we, _ vealizing that the public desired fins entertainment, have always utilized this _ ‘time to the best advantage. Fifteen minutes is a long time to site Some diversion away from the strenuous game of basketball is always welcome. The arranging of these entertaiments has always been in my hands. When I delegated it to others they would just put in a hit and miss affair which did not satisfy. I realized that perhaps many people come to football and basket- ball games to enjoy the entertairment as well as the came. : We have put on a variety of entertainment: sommunity singings exhibi- tiens by the Women's Physical Edueation Departments Men's Physical Education display; exhibitions of square dances, with the small village callers girls’ fancy bieycle riding, etee We try to get away from too much of the physical element of heavy athletic work and display the aesthetic and finer arts of physical educations These between-halves exhibitions are something like the Orphewm bills; Sometimes pretty good and sometimes terrible. But we constantly endeavor to improve theme I have never seen any of these exhibitions. I am always in the dressing room with the teame I plan the programa and take the word of the people who do see theme . ; If Professor Wilkins could have his Glee Club sing at each flage raising, it would add tremendously. Neturally, I do not know how it impresses the individual members of the audiences Ever sinee this patriotic demonstration was inaugurated, this lights-out, spet-light en the flag with the flageraising and the Star Spangled Banner, it has always put me in my place nationally with true reverence for the importance of things in the UeSeAs In this panorama of impressive memory, the game itself takes its true place of secondary importaneée We have been putting on between=halves entertainment for over twenty years and we find that the people like it. The first time you saw Professor Joe Wilkins with his Glee Club at the Missouri game, I asked him to do this, but I did not want to presume upon his time by asking for a second or a third similar