Chaneellor Malott Page Two “Feb, 22, 1942 performance. I realize it is an imposition to ask these music departments to repeat their same splendid performances for each gamee As much as we desired the Glee Club to sing for flag-raising for each and every game we felt it would be asking too muche I realize that when you called and asked Professor Wilkins and his Glee Club to sing before the Kansas-Nebraska game that this arrange- ment was wholly in his hands, but we mew nothing of ite After Professor Wilkins called Harl Falkenstien in the Athletie Office, who also mew nothing of it, we | had quite a mixeup in getting things straightened oute Professor Wilkins presumed we knew of it but we did note Previous to this time I had ealled Mr. KeW. Davidson, the Minister of Propaganda, and sugzested to him that we would put on a night of patriotic songs for one of our future betweenehalves games. My idea was to have Professor Joe Wilkins, buttressed by his Glee Club, lead the entire student body. Mr. Davidson — thought that was a good idea so we called Professor Wilkins. We, cognizant of the Total Defense Program which now exists in the United States, did thise We — thought that it would impress the students to see the organized effort of their school toward a patriotic endeavor, Also we felt that since so much of this Red stuff has been talked of in the Legislature and has been publicized so much, that it would not hurt us a bit if the students went patriotie one night and this patriotic endeavor was also publicizede Our game with Kansas State is on February 25 end we are hoping that it will be agreeable with Professor Wilkins, aided by Mre Davidson and the rest of us, to have some patriotic songs printed and sung during that game. Everyone of the remaining games is @ sell-out. The Oklahoma geme on March 7 is already sold out and the Aggie game is on the verge of it, so our betwoen-halves spectecles will be played to a packed house. | We have always saved the Missouri game each year for Professor Wiley and his bande Missouri here has always been the Big Game and Professor Wiley has consistently put on such a splendid show that the patrons have expected this fine entertainment, i had always dealt directly with Professor Wiley, making arrangements the same as I have with all the other people, but the fact that you ealled Professor Wilkins and the faet thet Professor Wilkins called Mre Fel kenstien at the Athletic Office caused ovr liaison to be broken somewhat. On Mareh 7, the Oklahoma Game, we will have John Cress put on some advanced parallel bar work and tumbling for between-helves entertainment. He is our new man in physical education, a graduate of the University of Tllinoilse He has a Fellowship heres He wes a member of the Illinois team which won the National Gymnastic Championships | it was en oversight on my part not to send your office these programs beforehande Perhaps I should send you our sehedule of betweenehalves entertainment because doubtless you hear remarks and criticisms that would be helpful in improving