December 12, 1940 Dear Chancellor Malotts. 7 1am sending you the fiml pregress report en the | National Basketball Championship finances. In my letter to Mire Olsen, who is chairman of the Tournament Committee, dated Novenber 18, I endeavored to get him and Major Griffith together _ on & settlement, I have been the mediator in all of these things and I believe finally we are getting somewhere. — ; Finding that it was impossible for me to get back to Sovatee Se ubtiie om Gs we ee ae November 30° setting forth the things that | I had endeavored te Se ee ee OF Mee On the same : Mre Olsen, sending him and Mre Ste Clair, the of our Comittee, a cory of ny correspondence with lnjor Griffith. Ce Denaahan 5 2 Senckee & se Sno es ee Pe if en Griffith follows Bire Olsen's and my suggestions, Kansas and Indiana will receive 3/14 of $3,511.27 or $752.40. This Whine tia Chiao ea Oklahoma City and Kansas City of approximtely $2,700, 1 am also sending you & financial report which mas sont to Mr. Olsene This shows that the tournaments in Kansas City, the Western and the National, which we superviont, on ar of $9,628 .70- 4 Very cordially yours, FCAslg Director of Physical Education and Recreation Encse Varsity Basketball Coach : ec: Gwinn Henry Welle Davis Karl Klooz Dean Stcekton Guy Smith