Chancellor Malott Page 2 : Jane 14, 1942 All of this work is done by Drs Peete simply because he is tremendously interested not only in the athletic life but the academic life of these athletes. I explained to Dre Canuteson most definitely why I have gone to Dre Anderson, and further I told him that not only would I cooperate as I have done in all cases, by having all the boys examined there and referring to him all hospital cases, but I will work in closer harmony than I have beforeo I had followed all the rules and regulations even to the spirit, but Iwill do what you.want done, and I will do it with the best of grace and assure F you that no wmpleasantry of any sort will come to you from any administrative act of omission or comaission on our parte I thank you for calling me, for had you not phoned me I-would not have known your desires extended to the point that you explained this morninge — Doubtless the minutes of the Athletic Board Meeting had not: come to your attention or you would have had them correscted to include the things - that you thought they did include. . With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ‘ PFOA; lg cc: Tre Don Carlos Peete Mre Rele Canuteson