duly 3, 1940. ‘Lem enclosing a letter fron lire Kissell, editor of the Portis Independent, together with a letter from the athletic director of Santa Claras Tee I em sending these to you not for any coment, but merely to keep you acquainted with the trend of certain boyse It is ubeliewble to me that a man in a responsible position, as is the writer of this out of state letter, by his illiteracy and by his direst approach could attract an intelligent clientele. Certainly sometiting slould be done by sonebody higher in authority than athletic directors to stop this business of distorting and misdirecting the youth of ous land in the nome of so-called educations I em enclosing a carbon copy of ny letter written to the father of this boy sane time agoe I lmow of no further answer, only to re-write this previous letters