Copy STANFORD UNIVERSITY April 30, 1940 Dre Forrest Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc": This will acknowledge your letter of April 25. The recommendation of our Tournament Committee with respect to the division of receipts from our WeCeteAe tournament and the disposition of the money which would go to the WeCeAede is still very clear in my mind. The letter which Olsen sent to each of the district chairmen this season contained a part of this recommendations Since receiving your letter I have taken occasion to discuss in detail this whole matter with Bill Owens and also to go over carefully the executive regulations of the NeCeAcAe I find that the regulations of our Committee are in conflict with the regulations of the Executive Committee of the NeCeAeAo in these particulars: le Funds may not be earmarked for any specific sporte Boxing, in the past, has requested the same arrangement as contained in our recom= mendation to the Executive Committeee 2+ No sums from the income of tournaments or meets may be allocated to the Olympic fund, except as the Olympic Fund Come mittee with the approval of the Executive Committee may directe Se Funds may not be pro-rated to competing teams except for actual expensese 4- All funds are supposed to be deposited in the general fund of the NeCeAsAs without any restrictions or reservations placed on theme In view of the above, I can see how the Executive Committee did oppose our recommendation. It is my guess that our recommendation, unfore= tunately, has never been submitted to the Executive Committeee This, of course, is a weakness on our part and leaves us open for criticism. It wes my impression that our Basketball Rules Committee was given a full report by the Tournament Committee and that they approved the reporte lowever, z neve been unable to find any minutes substantiating this recollectione Since we have sent out information to the schools in the NeCehehes and particularly to those which have competed in the tournaments, I feel thet we will be placed in an embarrassing position if the NeCeAehe Executive Committee does not permit us to keep faith with these schools, in spite of our negligencee It would be my opinion that unless the schools concerned would recognize our error and agree to abide by the regular NeCeAclAe rules, we should make a disposition of our funds for this year in accordance with the recommendations which were drawn up by our Tournament Committee, and that hereafter the whole matter should be cleared through the NeCeAeAe Executive Comnitteee Bill Owens, while pointing out the NeCeAehe regulations, maintains an open mind with respect to the whole matter and is eager to have represent- atives from the Basketball Committee present their case at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. It seems to me that this is a very fair pro= cedure, and I suggest that it be earried through in accordance with Bill Owens! recommendati one