April 25, 19406 ade i eis ime occa iid iia ats Gee, ahi iia » him a check for $250. So that mikes a total of $5,250 to a diy eck vee ems a Wr VAAL peatnes $4,508. You « 1, aot tiat Old told you that this money could be earmarked eli, ‘hen President = Owens cane to Kansas City, together Sex ite 14k etter tes Elie He Eats. camittee had an cqvunsel walls Git Achete veawedn they agreed that if the A.A.U. would pere mit them to have the college coaches for track end field, drew, ssianing and : the AsAeUs could have the coaches means that they sold basketball down the river just after we got in the Lympiec a tanene, course this was done to DERSESY the Te cAche in these resident Omens et at = me tet the Melaahe —— to take | pte dni, om, hy Onno tl? mere in to eanferesar of course, I drew some firee _iow moro in. pat nouns he Tans nan a of Sh nen idential {fold prostdatcnus tnt 1 wd go fo ton opnes, Galles Gee an onda nost moneye that is emotly em going to the Gardene T warted you to Inow about this, and I would ike for you to write me in confidence wet your reasti aL SUNN Riek tn the ccatern Hits diepatt tay onikd teh | CO ee ee ee ee ee om, OE