By action of no further Be tr tw amar te 0 Aealfs pe «=O og oh aan aan =n end that I fous wy =e on September : 4 ligt ed shakes 330363 was Page 2 Octe 2, 1940 letter to Mr. Olsen dated September 27 and Mrs JeW. Ste Clair's Aggies and Kansas at Oklehoma City is that the NeCeAete Executive Committee the gate receipts when the great crowds the — ‘wore paid in Wichita at the Big Six play-off. The 80 will restate our positions recall that Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas made $1,000 abet: telat i My dated The early ma enclosed ia Director of Ph Bdueation and Reereation i ditt a3 1, Entry blanks & preliminary announcements _ catia ; 2. Publicity folders and posters ae $2790. - le Printing Tickets 2. Comission to ticket agencies___ Se Ticket sellers & clerical help _ 4s Bank charges (exchange, ote.) -.. 1 | Se Motion pictures and permanent records &e Se Police and ushers 6» Buildings and grounds expense oa 111.07 248.59 fb) lnundey Sa BapsITSG (ineluding rentals, if any) Te ate 9 Decenber 12, 1940 Chancellor Deane W. Malott 1 Frank Strong Hall University of Kansas Dear Chancellor Malott; — I am sending you the final progress report on the National Basketball Championship finaneess In my letter to Mre Olsen, who is chairman of the Tourmament Committee, dated November 18, I endeavored to get him and Major Griffith together cn a settlement. I have been the mediator in all of these things and I believe finally we are getting somewhere. Finding that it was impossible for me to get back to Chicago again fer a conference I wrote Major Griffith on November 30 setting forth the things that I had endeavored to - get Mrs Ulsen to work out for mee 0m the same date I wrote Mrs Olsen, sending him and Mr. St. Clair, the other member of our Comittee, a copy of my correspondence with Major Griffith. On December 5 I received a copy of a letter that Mr. Olsen wrote Major Griffith. All these letters are enclosed for your ine If Major Griffith follows Mr. Olsen's and my suggestions, Kansas and Indiana will receive 3/14 of $3,511.27 or $752.40. This makes &@ net income to Kansas from our three tournaments at Wichita, Oklahoma City and Kansas City of approximately $2,700. _ I @m also sending you a financiel report which was sent to Mr. Olsen. ‘This shows tha+ the tournaments in Kansas City, the Western and the National, which we supervised, made a net profit | of $9,628.70. Sa ee , WArslg Director of Physical Education and Recreation Encse Varsity Basketball Coach ec: Gwinn Henry 7 Wel, Davis Karl Klooz November 18, 1940 Mr. Harold G. Olsen Department of Physical Education Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dear Ole: I had hoped that you and I could get together between now and one of the Thanksgivings, but I believe that is impossible so I will endeavor to put on paper what I discussed with you over the phone when I was in Chicago. I dropped into Major Griffith's office and he asked me to the Wailing Wall Luncheon, which was Monday noon. He also asked me to come in and spend some time with him. Then he got out his papers and showed me he had money to the amount of $8,269.11, end he wanted to kmow if I would tell him how the money should be distributed; that they were quite anxious that the money be sent to the colleges. He said if I would give his secretary the method of distribution, he would see that the money was sent out. He asked, “Or do you want to send it out?" I insisted that the checks should be written and disbursed by hime I suggested that they all be made out to the Athletic Association of the various schools and universities interested. Then we tried to arrive at the amount. We deducted $2500 from the $8269.11, which left $5769.11. Then we. divided this $5769.11 in half, giving the NCAA 50%; which left $2884.56 for distribution in 14 parts. Indiana and Kansas to receive 3/14, Southern California and Duquesne to receive 2/14, and Colorado, Springfield, Massachuetts College, Rice Institute and Kentucky Teachers to receive 1/14. Then I tried to figure out where the remaining money was and I figured that if you had $9512.12 as shown on your report, that you had perhaps taken 10% of $9512.12 and withheld that, which would be $951.21. Deducting the 10% from $9512.12 would leave a balance of $8560.91. There would still be a discrepancy of $291.80. Your telephone message explained the situation to mee I went back to Major Griffith's secretary and stated that I thought it would be better if they could get the definite report from you, and of course, I realize that I was the very individual holding it up, but I was holding it up because I could notfind this fellow Smith in his office. Tomorrow, Tuesday, I am going to go down to the City and make this settlement, then on Wednesday I will send you what remaining money there is with a check and a report. Ole, here is what I frankly think. I believe if you and I could sit down with Major Griffith and tell him that the 10% cut and the 5 0% cut is too much, he made me definitely understand that they would make the adjustment in the wey we feel would be just and honest. There are just a few men running the NCAA and I kmow the rest of them would go along. After our "Custer's Last Stand" dn the Mr. Olsen Page Two Nove 18, 1940 room with those NCAA people I was not going to rise and bicker over the 10%, but I know that we can get a fair settlement and it certainly is not right for them to take 10% first and then take 50%. I will not quarrel and it would have been out of place for any voice to have been raised at that meeting. But the fect that Major Griffith wrote you, and stated that the findings were as those set forth in the letter; namely, that no hotel and traveling expenses would be allowed them, showed me conclusively that they were all mixed up. Therefore, I think very definitely, befor this money is distributed that we should have a meeting and I am sure Major Griffith will go along with us because we have @ set-up wherein we will make the NCAA a lot of money, if they do not "kill the goose that lays the golden egg." Major Griffith said to me, "“Phog, do you think the boys will be satisfied with such a settlement as this?" And the interesting part of it was, Ole, that he was not clear on the settlement and he continued, "Well, Phog, if they are not, you and Ole and Saint and some of us will get together and we will make it right." He stated that the difficulty with a lot of these fellows is thst when they make money they want to spend it all. He spoke about Butch Cowell, who passed away last year. He stated that Butch was a good fellow but he was Chairman of the NCAA Boxing Committee and these members would want to have about three meetings a year and spend a lot of money while they were in session, but the meetings were too often and too expensivée I said, “Well, Major Griffith, that is not true in regard to our meetings; and he hastily agreed. I told Major Griffith that we had been as conservative on our expen- ditures as if we had been handling University money, Itold him of some of the expenses that were too large and that we refused to approve them, and we made nobody angry. I mentioned the fact that I got letters from you and we presented them in such a way, without using the officers names, and we told them the Com- mittee would not approve such expense accounts. I stated the business manager had perfect confidence in what we had done, and further that President Owens had attended the finals and complimented bhe Committee most highly in the col- legiate atmosphere which the Tournament seemed to possesse J just know, Ole, that inasmuch as the NCAA Executive Committee set-up is not clear and inasmuch as we are making an agreement to last for NCAA Basketball teams to follow, I stéll believe that we could benefit by meeting with Major Griffith and getting an agreement; namely, 50% of their net with the NCAA without this first 10% out. Kansas is to play Loyola in Chicago on January 2. I am wondering if there is any way that we could meet with you and Major Griffith that date, or will he be back from the New York Meeting? Will you please find out and let me know? I imagine you will be busy but thought perhaps I would take a fling Mre Olsen Page Three Nove 18, 1940 at this. The only other alternative is a meeting before Christmes. Our Christmas recess begins on December 20, Would it be possible to meet you in Chicago and discuss with Major Griffith this problem about that time. I think it is very worthwhile, Ole, because what little we spend on a trip like that will be made back many fold to the teams in the prorations. Please let me hear from you at your early convience. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:1lg © =r ayer tee; PPEPRY PERE I TL aR ee, November 18, 1940 Mre HeGe ‘Olsen 2 Basketball Coach _ Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dear Ole: I beg to accept receipt of your wire of the 18th instant reading as follows; “Please hurry final report if at all possible." Ole, I want to assure you that I am even more anxious than you are to get this thing cleared ups I have called and endeavored to make appointments with Smith, the printer who printed our programs, and he has either been out of town or something has thwarted my move every time I have made an attenpt to settle the bill. Frankly, I feel as if we are going to have bad luck on the proposition, but last week I got hold of his secretary and she stated he would be in town Tuesday morning, November 19. Therefore, as soon as my 10;30 class is over, I am leaving for Kansas City to keep this appointment. : | We are not having any luck in our collections, so I am going to put in these bills as uncollectable, so far as my report is concerned, And tomorrow when I pay this fellow I will follow with a report on Wednesday and send you what money we have on hand and call the matter closed upe If it had hot been for this hangenail, we would have closed the tournament business a long time ago and been rid of the very difficult situation. However, had we elosed earlier than a month ago, we would have an old bill to settle to the Kansas City Journal. ‘This is one of the newspapers that Bowles gave the advertising to and they charged it to | him instead of to use And then, not being able to collect from him, they sent us the statement and wanted to know if there was any way they could collect the bille This being the first that = had heard of it, I asked them to mail me the bill and I sent them a checks So I am sure now there are no outstanding bills. I believe if I were you I would try to hold back this whole amount for emergencies, but that is up to youe es - Tem so sorry, Ole, that my teaching schedule and my basketball practice have been such that it has hamestringed me and prevented me from getting away any one full day in any weeke I had October basketball practice due to the fact that I lost most of my regulars and I thought that I would start out on fundamentals and try to develop a bunch of youngsters into a Donte abimeici pee ics ananassae -= group of ball handlerse On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I have classes at 9:30 and 11:30. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a class at 9:30. Therefore, it made it very difficult for me to drive to Kansas : and get back in time for 3:30 basketball practice. Then, too, I had complete charge of the Community Chest drive of Lawrence so far as the entire University was concerned, and then we hada YoMeCeAe drive on here and I was stuck with thate So I have been busier than the ) proverbiad “one-armed paper hanger with the itches" Z- camviaivee that there will be no such hang-nails attached to the next tournament that I have anything to do mun With all good wishes, I on, , Yee - Very truly ‘yours, - : Direotor of Pytioal Education and Reoreation : en. Basketball» Goach FCAslg:min © a ‘i “ejor dohn Le Griffith — Gormissioner of Athleties Hetel Sherran Ghicage, Illineis Dear “ajor Griffith: I hewe been doing « ink de We nes dimes X00 eet from Chiseage where you were very Kind te se in having me se your guest et the Peailing “e811 dinner, snd alse giving se audience which took from your busy sdninistretive life «any valusble somente. When we hed eur sonference seger€ing the incense and dishurcenent of the Sationel Collegiate At>letic Assecietion besketbell fucd, you asked oe this question: "po you think all the boys will be satisfied can prop your feet up, rest fm en easy chair, end reed it, or port of it, and if it beeowes too fetiquing or wiintercsting, ‘ust drop it in the waste basket to your righte | : May I give you « little histery. In the begine ine Nerold Olsen ené Joon Bunn end I hed memy conferences. First, we were desirous of seeing that the Ne Ge As Ae had the finest and the best besketb=1] toans under te finest, cleanest ard most efficient -uspiess th t would be possible. fFrenkly, the ~oney considerstion was net the prisal consideration. — of course, we wanted te »eke soney, but we did net want the sremoters te te ke Se ee ee oe ee eens oy Oe eee | ve folt as if the colleges were the ones ma'rin; the seney and the control naturelly gheulé be under sollege edninistration. Knewing thet the fe Ge Ae Ae had clmays otesd fer this cert of edninistretion, we were Meppy indeed to werk definitely upon these lines, : After the first He Ceo Ae a ee @6Sen Franeisee, Philedelphic end Chieage end your executive comvittee underwrete the less, we folt responelbilities. It we up te a1] of us te not only replace thet «cney, bet te return « sizable su» in order to show the committee thet we were spprecietive es well as determined to reciprocate the confidense of the empeut ive ecormittee. : I said, "You give so this tournonent in Kaness City end I will not only pey back the deficit, Wut we will sake you some moneys” ‘e¢ then started definitely upon sn agerescive progr«= of retrenchment. First, we worked with the Setionel Gesches ‘esecietion to the voint that one dollar out of exch sembership should co for a ticket et the finel tournament. — Ineeeuch as each coneh paid $6.00, 1t wee our feeling thet €1.00 going , soucrd a $1.60 ticket ef edwiseion would be » cesture thet the coaches alse wented this thing te succeed. feacd'v, 1 made a deal with the “micipel S eaaeeeaa aaemanierainmecamaraccnendieieeem samme a oe —_ EEE ee . anaes a linjor crittith Page 2 °everber 80, 1940 uddter iue whereby we could oot fail. i head a viniwel charge ef (500 pla on the hell which wes ridiculously low. If wo sade soney, ef course rents] would inuress« with the size ef the income. “e arranged then te take 204 net of the gote from the pley-eff of the district te ge | &O the Re Ce Ae Ae Although too Ye Gs Ac Ace wae not guaranteeing any of the expenses, we wore arrenging te take 20% of the eerningse (nd in the Big Six play-off at Wichite we held out $664 es 20% of this sarning. dy; the Fifth District play-off between Oklebome Aggies end Kangag et Oklahoma City we held out $508 or 20%. Thet made $662 which we hed intentionally with~-held eo that this could be applic jing the T am shewing you, He jor Wwiffith, thet every seceount ef ours wes bent toverdinewing tis, rtarn of he nanay to the Fe Gx hy og and frther to mike @ profit for their schools by their ord, I wish te tell you thet for several i Be ord thet they heve never been eble to eng lete in August, due to the feet thet balance their budget each yeer. Thies is true OF ‘the eghools in our district cith the exception of lebraska. dust ee you steted ‘a your editoriels and your comments that. there sre ebeut 640 colleges in ‘meriee playing football, but only ebout” 80 ere meking eny money out of sthietics. My setive hee been to sweeten the eh Sie ene Sean 4p Seep Thee Saterested ant anke Uap fect. that _ through their sctivity sot enly are they enjoying the pleasure of competition, : out: tent trey ere gettiog a exell resunerstion «hich wilt help just s little tqwerd reducing « budget that does net belanee. Certainly our ‘fiat iene] nietretion feocs .ebout the same problem thet elvost “ of ow athletic tions experience, ‘thet of a badly impaired budget. L remember distinetly Jobn Bunn, Ole and 4 gevers1 yeurs ago discussed thet 5 Sees cha cr noke SObEE land Te steed voomemnd Go Ck Be Ce Ae he direetors thet we give 204 of the earnings to the He Ce Ae so Tt was ot. thet time thet Ole thought thet this besketball money could be eerserked eee” ah ee enent Oe yet for expenres to send an Amer ieon th ane shen uy tee ck. Zales thought that it was the thenght of our gounittee tet these findings should be transmitted to tee Be Ce Ac Ae exesutive committee and some action teen. The fect thet thie wes not done by your directors naturally left us in 5 very bed poxition becruse we could o@e go te our sosches with any 4°firite inform . 3 Ab CTU AAT SE a JeL.G. December 5, 1940 that a copy of that on file would give you all the information you want in this connection. I hope to see you even before you get this letter, but at any rate I am happy to be able to get the final report out of the way and into your hands. Very sincerely yours, He Ge Olsen Chairman, N.C.A.A. Basketball HGO:M Tournament Committee Enc. (check) Copies: to: Je We Ste Clair Dre Fe Ce Allen We Be Owens: December 7, 1940 Mre Harold G. Olsen Cheirman, N.C.A.A. Basketball Tournament Committee Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dear Ole: I acknowledge receipt of the carbon copy of your letter to Major Griffith. I think your letter was very good. Of course, Major Griffith did not say that he would agree to what I set out, but he did say that if the agreement is not satisfactory that we would all get together and make it so. I am hoping that he will agree. I will be glad to send Major Griffith the rest of the supporting data and I imagine that you will send him the checks and other material that I sent you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCOA:lg Qotober 2, 1940 University of Kansas . _ I am writing you @ progress report concerning the disposition of funds of the National Collegiate Athletie Association Western and National . Basketball Tournament, which was played in Kansas City last wareh 22, 23 and March 50. There were total cash receipts of $22,829.55, and a net profit In some quarters there has been a misunderstanding that perbaps I, 98 managing director of the tournament and also as coach of the Kansas team, had not prosecuted the interests of our own University Athletic Associa- tion ag vigorously as I might have in keeping with my position here at the versity. | ) co Uni I am sending you the correspondence between the different officers and the chairmen of the committee to show you that the "big wigs" are the boys who want to keep the moneye You ean see by the enclosed leaflets the names of the officers and perhaps get well enough acquainted with the general set-up to learn their idontity. Upon every occasion I have prosecuted the case quite vigorously It looks as if we my get $500.00 as our share, but that is still undetermined at presente . oss _ Our tournament camittee, composed of Mrs Harold 01, - | _ Committee who handled all sports. Thereupon I offered my resignation as manager of the tournament, and also as an officer of the National Collegiate Athletic Associations I stated that I did not care to be associated any further with the enterprise because I had made certain commitments predicated Upon past practices and that I found myself of no further services My action was supported by the other two members of the comittee, | The Executive Committee asked us to withdraw and await their ections We did so. Upon our return to their quarters they read an action by their _ group to which our committee was willing to acquiesce, On September 10 Major Griffith sent communication to Harold Olsen setting out the National Collegiate Athletic Association findingse On September 16 Mr. Olsen replied for the Chancellor Malott Page 2 Oct. 2, 1940 camittee. My letter to Mr. Olsen dated September 27 and Mre JeW. Ste Clair's letter dated September $0 will restate our PeETEAERs You will reeall that Missouri, oklahoma and Ransas made $1,000 net after our expenses were paid in Wichita at the Big Six play-off. The Fifth District play-eff between the Oklahoma Aggies and Kansas at Oklahoma City netted an additional $1,000 to Oklahoma and Kansas each, after expenses were paide The erux of the whole thing is that the NeCeleA. Executive Committes ' 4s taking the financial, plum from the gate receipts when the great crowds © ee: in Kansas City for the Western and the National . play~of fee | This ret fue wt 40 merely for your infarmtion aud your offiew rescrdns The early mate enclosed is to show you the metamorphosis of the tournamente t + o ao : : Sincerely yours, eee or aga er Reereation _— Coach “Wee Davis NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMIITTES OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Questionnaire: He Ve Fortean: Gane Adnind stration: Semor Ae Dole Chaimany = Moyt Tow, Board of Bauveation, Cleveland, ohio Sepvetary + He Ve Porter, 21 Se LaSalle Stes Chicago Viee Chairman « Fe Ce Allen, Unive of Shnsas, Lawrence ‘Treasurer + He Jamison Swarts, Unive of Mis, “niladelphia Editor = Oswald Tower, Andover, hassachusetts Comittee Members; Fs» Ce Allen, Unive of Kansas, Lawrence Jom Brom, Jie, 347 Madison Aves, New York Forrest Cox, Colorado University, Boulder Je Me Crocker, Unive of Western Ontario : Sumer Ae Dole, Comecticut State Col Lege — Cotte ; Oe ae Rant President = Professor We Hy Owens, Stanford University, California Monarury Presidente = iri gudiorimorel Painar Be Pieree ee ' a moe ' THE MATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 4 Dean Frank We Ieolscn | VieesPresidents Da fe tuasngn, » Dartimouth College, Pret First sult 7 Dre Be LeRoy Mercer, Doe ek cone ee ee » Ae He Amstrong, Georgia Teoh, Third Aetrict mez) e ee ave is Total receipts from sale of tickets Total Cash ROOCAPtS eovssecccccosesececcecssncecssces See x . WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM Jom Bur | SEARPORD WHIVERSISY CALIFORNIA ‘SUOGEST FOR YOUR APPROVAL THAT WOAA GUARANTEE COMPLETE EXPENEES OP COMPETING TEAM LIMITED TO TOTAL PARTY OP 28 IN PLAYOPP AT Ft AND SAN FRANCISCO ALSO IN PINAL GAME AT CHICAGO, XF DISTRICT TOURNAMENTS LE AM SUOGESTING NOAA CAMIOT GUARANTEE TOPAL EXPENSBS BUF AT TURE BB RON OW PRO RATA BASIS WHIOH MAY VERY WELL RESULT 1m ALL SRPENSES BEING PAID DEPENDING ON POPULARITY OF PLAYOFF IN THAT DISTRICT. PLEASE INDICATE IMQDIATELY IF THIS MEETS WITH YOUR APPROVAL PLEASB CHBOK THIS WITH PRESIDENT OMENS He Ge OLSEN COLUMBUS, GHEO SS ET ry " 0S RRM NI EIR ST MS RETA TT TAS Mg WEES 7 etn February 28, 1950 Gort COPY i 2 33 LL EE ITE Te a ETT cory COPY COPY Septe 6, 1940 Executive Comittee National Collegiate sane ) Maranon Gentlemen, The iene am Yasketball Rules Sesntties and the NeCeAsd, Tournament a to make the following report on the 1940 WeCehehe fourmnent, together with some recommendations as to the conduct of future tournamentse item 1+ the finanatal report of the 1940 Tourmnent (see attached report) * 2 » Recomendati onss 2s That tho 104) Tourmnont be oond lemeuneehine teatesie fe eams re 3 and 4, and a western between teans - Bietate by 4 ¥ ak fs tees ook ~ that the Guchaba Genpesle bo Weld G6 Meck Gtty aut the costamn stave off at a place to be designated by the Tournanent comittecs mvs ys bee eeu ty aces i Ga Tah the Heighihe euneunbed Ont evbeléinn ext of tachotell sessiote wortiwhile basketball research problems worked out by the Vatioml Association of Basketball Coachese the committee feels that the Tournament set-up as above outlined provides the following benefits: hy St eee Ss ater storort in oeeciate vahetbell Wy enlteting delle Ste Clair The Rashein phuyeett wee held ab the Dublev Fisld Rowe, Tnotana.elicg oe indiana on iM : 22 and 23) the Western playeoff at the Municipa Auditoriun ree ee are Oe 8d WS ad Peek ae ne Peed OS Kansas City on Imrch 306 The folloring ear elves tin lature of the Touran Western playeoff and final BAN » “ansas onty — Reseipte 928, 929655 Hot profit on NeCelshs Basketball Tournment $9,812612