“ejor dohn Le Griffith — Gormissioner of Athleties Hetel Sherran Ghicage, Illineis Dear “ajor Griffith: I hewe been doing « ink de We nes dimes X00 eet from Chiseage where you were very Kind te se in having me se your guest et the Peailing “e811 dinner, snd alse giving se audience which took from your busy sdninistretive life «any valusble somente. When we hed eur sonference seger€ing the incense and dishurcenent of the Sationel Collegiate At>letic Assecietion besketbell fucd, you asked oe this question: "po you think all the boys will be satisfied can prop your feet up, rest fm en easy chair, end reed it, or port of it, and if it beeowes too fetiquing or wiintercsting, ‘ust drop it in the waste basket to your righte | : May I give you « little histery. In the begine ine Nerold Olsen ené Joon Bunn end I hed memy conferences. First, we were desirous of seeing that the Ne Ge As Ae had the finest and the best besketb=1] toans under te finest, cleanest ard most efficient -uspiess th t would be possible. fFrenkly, the ~oney considerstion was net the prisal consideration. — of course, we wanted te »eke soney, but we did net want the sremoters te te ke Se ee ee oe ee eens oy Oe eee | ve folt as if the colleges were the ones ma'rin; the seney and the control naturelly gheulé be under sollege edninistration. Knewing thet the fe Ge Ae Ae had clmays otesd fer this cert of edninistretion, we were Meppy indeed to werk definitely upon these lines, : After the first He Ceo Ae a ee @6Sen Franeisee, Philedelphic end Chieage end your executive comvittee underwrete the less, we folt responelbilities. It we up te a1] of us te not only replace thet «cney, bet te return « sizable su» in order to show the committee thet we were spprecietive es well as determined to reciprocate the confidense of the empeut ive ecormittee. : I said, "You give so this tournonent in Kaness City end I will not only pey back the deficit, Wut we will sake you some moneys” ‘e¢ then started definitely upon sn agerescive progr«= of retrenchment. First, we worked with the Setionel Gesches ‘esecietion to the voint that one dollar out of exch sembership should co for a ticket et the finel tournament. — Ineeeuch as each coneh paid $6.00, 1t wee our feeling thet €1.00 going , soucrd a $1.60 ticket ef edwiseion would be » cesture thet the coaches alse wented this thing te succeed. feacd'v, 1 made a deal with the “micipel